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Additions and Corrections to David S. Spear, The Personnel of the Norman Cathedrals during the Ducal Period, 911-1204 (London: Institute of Historical Research, 2006)

Addenda et Corrigenda de l’ouvrage The Personnel of the Norman Cathedrals during the Ducal Period, 911-1204 (Londres, Institute of Historical Research, 2006)
David S. Spear

Editor's notes

This publication is an update, with additions and corrections, of the work published by D. Spear; the editorial board of Tabularia has chosen to preserve the editorial standards of the aforementioned work.
Cette publication constitue une mise à jour, avec additions et corrections, du volume publié par D. Spear ; la rédaction de Tabularia a choisi de conserver les normes éditoriales de l’ouvrage cité ci-dessus.

Full text

  • 1 Corpus des actes épiscopaux normands (XIe-XIIIe siècle), dir. G. Combalbert, V. Gaz (...)

1I am grateful to have this opportunity to share updates to my book with a wide audience. Since its publication, now eight years on, I have been able to add a good number of additional references and to correct some errors. This article also brings the reader up to date on recent bibliography in the field. Several works have been published by two authors in particular – Richard Allen and Jörg Peltzer – which have added greatly to our knowledge of the workings of the secular clergy in Ducal Normandy. Richard Allen, in particular, has been editing the charters of the bishops of Avranches, Coutances and Sées, the results of which will form part of the forthcoming series Corpus des actes épiscopaux normands (XIe-XIIIe siècle)1. He has been exceptionally generous in sharing information in advance of publication, hence the large number of corrections and additions for these three dioceses. His Ph.D. dissertation on the Norman bishops, cited below, is available online at​.

2I would also like to thank Christopher Brooke, Grégory Combalbert, Valentine Fallan, Tamiko Fujimoto, Véronique Gazeau, Christophe Mauduit, Jörg Peltzer, and Nicholas Vincent for having alerted me to specific corrections or additions.

3The additions and corrections listed here are often small refinements of dates (e.g., for “c.1183” read “1184”), of personal names (e.g., for “Geoffrey of Espavaldi” read “Geoffrey Espavaldi”), and of additional citations (e.g., “to the string of refs. at the end of line 3, add: ‘and cf. EEA XXXIV no. 87’.”). But sometimes the additions are consequential. A 1071 charter of archbishop John adds a good number of clergy to the lists for Rouen. A newly discovered chancellor at Avranches has shed more light on the workings of the chancery there. All told, about sixty-six new clergy have been discovered. In the pages that follow, these names are highlighted in bold. They are also listed in Appendix A. Those ten clergy which have been expunged are listed in Appendix B. Quite a number of bishops have had their starting or ending dates modified. Cumulatively these additions and corrections serve to alert the reader – the author hardly needed reminding – that this is a project without end.


4There are two instances of bishops from unspecified sees, perhaps of Normandy, which should be mentioned. In Fauroux, Actes no. 7, dated 996 × 1006, there is a bp. named Hervey (but perhaps of Nantes), and in ibid., no. 3, dated c.968, there is a bp. named Aillemundus. (See Musset, ‘Un millénaire oublié’, p. 569).

5Page v. In the Acknowledgements, line 18, for “Katherine Keats-Rohan” read “Katharine Keats-Rohan”.

6pp. ix-xix. To the References section, add the following works which are cited in this article.

Allen, ‘Les actes d’Avranches’ = R. Allen, ‘Les actes des évêques d’Avranches, ca. 990-1253: esquisse d’un premier bilan’, Tabularia (Études), no. xii (2012), pp. 63-106.

Allen, ‘Five Charters’ = R. Allen, ‘Five charters concerning the early history of the chapter at Avranches’, Tabularia (Documents), no. viii (2008), pp. 1-33; ‘Retour sur une édition’, Tabularia (Documents), no. x (2010), pp. 37-44.

Allen, ‘John of Ivry’ = R. Allen, ‘“A Proud and Headstrong Man”: John of Ivry, bishop of Avranches and archbishop of Rouen, 1060-79’, Historical Research lxxxiii (2010), pp. 189-227.

Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’ = R. Allen, ‘The Norman Episcopate, 989-1110’. 2 vols. Unpublished University of Glasgow Ph.D. dissertation, 2009.

Allen, ‘Robert Cénalis’ = R. Allen, ‘Robert Cénalis et l’histoire d’Avranches de 1100 à 1253’, Annales de Normandie lxi (2011), pp. 9-24.

Carpenter, ‘Dignitaries of York’ = D. Carpenter, ‘The Dignitaries of York Minster in the 1170s: A Reassessment’, Northern History xliii (2006), pp. 21-37.

Cart. Préaux
 = Le cartulaire de l’abbaye Bénédictine de Saint-Pierre-de-Préaux (1034-1227), ed. D. Rouet, (Paris, 2005).

Corpus des inscriptions = Corpus des inscriptions de la France Médiévale, vol. 22: Calvados, Eure, Manche, Orne, Seine-Maritime, eds. R. Favreau and J. Michaud (2002).

English Episcopal Acta. British Academy. XXX, Carlisle 1133-1291, ed. D. Smith, 2005; XXXI, Ely 1109-1197, ed. N. Karn, 2005; XXXIII, Worcester 1062-1185, ed. M. Cheney, et al., 2007; XXXIV, Worcester 1186-1218, ed. M. Cheney, et al., 2008.

Fasti = J. Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300. Exeter, comp. D. E. Greenway, 2005; XI, Coventry and Lichfield, comp. C. Brooke, et al., 2011.

Gazeau, Normannia Monastica = V. Gazeau, Normannia Monastica: Vol. 1: Princes normands et abbés bénédictins (Xe-XIIe siècle), Vol. 2: Prosopographie des abbés bénédictins (Xe-XIIe siècle), Caen, 2007.

Keats-Rohan, Cartulary = K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, ed., The Cartulary of the Abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel (Donington, 2006).

Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait = A. L. Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait des chartes et autres actes normands, etc., 2 vols. (Caen, 1834-35).

Musset, ‘Un millénaire oublié’ = L. Musset, ‘Un millénaire oublié: La remise en place de la hiérarchie épiscopale en Normandie autour de 990’, Papauté, monachisme et théories politiques: Études d’histoire médiévale offertes à Marcel Pacaut, ed. P. Guichard, et al. (Lyon, 1994), ii, pp. 563-73.

Peltzer, Canon Law = J. Peltzer, Canon Law, Careers and Conquest: Episcopal Elections in Normandy and Greater Anjou, c.1140 – c.1230 (Cambridge, 2008).

Peltzer, ‘Portchester’ = J. Peltzer, ‘Portchester, les évêques d’Avranches et les Hommet (1100-1230)’, Annales de Normandie lxvi (2006), pp. 463-82.

Pipe Rolls of NormandyPipe Rolls of the Exchequer of Normandy for the Reign of Henry II, 1180 and 1184, ed. V. Moss (London, 2004).

7Page xxxii. To footnote 12 add: “Gazeau, Normannia Monastica 1, p. 284, n. 64, writes, ‘En outre, contrairement à ce qui a été longtemps écrit, les chartes normandes n’utiliseraient pas le style de l’Annonciation, mais celui de Noël’.”

8Page xxxvi. After the final sentence of the Envoi section, add: “In spite of the years of research spent, and the helpful collaboration of so many friends, the reader would be well advised to keep in mind that this study, by its very nature, cannot be regarded as complete. There will always be documents overlooked, new sources uncovered, chronologies to be tightened. It provides the best ordering of the information that the author could arrive at in the year 2006.”

Avranches Cathedral

9Page 3. To the centered heading “Bishops” add the following footnote: “On the early bps. of Avranches, see now R. Allen, ‘Un évêque et sa ville: les évêques d’Avranches de 990 à 1134’, Revue de l’Avranchin et du Pays de Granville lxxxvi (2009), pp. 1-49.”

Page 3. Under the entry on bp. Norgot, in lines 2-3, for “said to occ. in a ch. of William abbot of Dives in 1017 (Gallia 477)” read “occ. in ch. of William of Volpiano abbot of Dijon in 1017 × c.1022 (Gallia 477 = N. Bulst, Untersuchungen zu den Klosterreformen Wilhelms von Dijon (962-1031) (Bonn, 1973), pp. 223-36)”.

Page 3. To the end of the entry on bp. Mauger, add: “He was buried at Avranches cath. in fundamentis turris majoris campanae septentrionem versus. (Allen, ‘Robert Cénalis’, p. 23).”

Page 3. To the entry for John of Avranches add: “On John, see now Allen, ‘John of Ivry’”.

Page 3. In the first line of the entry on John of Avranches, for “Also known as John of Ivry and John of Bayeux” read “Also known as John of Ivry, John of St-Philbert, and John of Bayeux”. In line 6 of that same entry, for “the brother of Hugh bp. of Bayeux” read “the half-brother of Hugh bp. of Bayeux”. Delete the final sentence of the entry. It appears the 13 March anniversary refers to a much later bp. named John.

10Page 4. To the end of the final sentence on bp. Michael, add: “e regione ejusdem altaris occidentem versus. (Allen, ‘Robert Cénalis’, p. 23).” To the end of his entry, add: “He had a prepositus named Osmund (R. Allen, ‘Un évêque et sa ville’, annexe IV, citing BN ms. lat. 5201, fos. 60v-61).”

Page 4. To the end of the final sentence on bp. Turgis, add: “e regione altaris Beate Marie sepultus ad septentrionem. (Allen, ‘Robert Cénalis’, p. 23).”

Page 4. In the entry on Richard of Beaufou, delete the sentence: “One of his last occs. was at the dedication of the abbey of Lucerne on Easter (4 April) 1143 (Gallia inst. 112-113; Neustria Pia, p. 793)”. This cannot be Richard de Beaufou as the bp. is described as the brother of Hasculf de Subligny, i.e. Richard de Subligny. At the end of the entry on Richard, delete the phrase “, and another son named Robert (Fauroux, Actes no. 220)”. The Richard de Beaufou mentioned in this act is that of the 11th century.

11Page 5. In the entry on Herbert, delete the entire fourth sentence. In its place, read: “Although the Gallia 480 states that Herbert d. on 6 Sept. 1161, it is more likely that he d. in Sept. 1160, as found in RT I 328 (Allen, ‘Les actes d’Avranches’ p. 67, n. 38).”

Page 5. In the penultimate line of the entry for Richard L’Evêque, for “secuarlis” read “secularis”. To the end of his entry, add: “e regione altaris divi Martini, inter pilas ecclesie (Allen, ‘Robert Cénalis’, pp. 12 and 23).”

12Page 6. To the first sentence of the entry on William Burel, add the information that he may have been earlier an archdcn. of Le Mans (Allen, ‘Les actes d’Avranches’, p. 69, n. 55). And after the first sentence, add: “Based on Pipe Roll evidence, Peltzer thinks it possible that William was chosen as bp. when Henry II’s court was at Le Mans at Christmas 1183 (Canon Law, p. 154, n. 381). But R. Allen (personal communication 14 August 2011) notes that William Burel was already bp.-elect on 29 March 1183 citing Ramackers no. 236 which is misdated to 1184 by Ramackers who was unaware of a ch. issued by William as bp. on 2 Jan. 1184, Cartulaire des abbayes de Saint-Pierre de la Couture et de Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, ed. Benédictins de Solesmes (Le Mans, 1881), no. CXLIII, p. 118”.

Page 6. Add the following to the end of the penultimate sentence on bp. William Burel: “But R. Allen observes that William was still active as bp. in Sept. 1195 (citing Rouen, Leber ms. 5636, no. 10), and suggests that his d. is 17 or 18 March 1196 (Allen, ‘Robert Cénalis’, p. 12, n. 28).” To the end of that entry, add: “William’s father, Durand Burel, served as King Henry II’s cupbearer (Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 155), and his mother was Etiennette, (Nécrologe-obituaire de la cathédrale du Mans, ed. G. Busson et A. Ledru (Le Mans, 1906), p. 269). William himself was a great benefactor of Avranches cath. both in lands and liturgical objects. He was buried at Avranches cath. in ipso vestibule hostio (Allen, ‘Robert Cénalis’, pp. 13 and 23).”

Page 6. For the entry on Mag. William of Chemillé, and in the penultimate line, for “1198 to 1202” read “1198 to 1200”. At the end of that entry, add: “For a full discussion of William’s disputed election at Angers see Peltzer, Canon Law, pp. 156-61, 202-08”.

Page 6. In line 3 of the entry on William Ptolomeus, add that the seneschal of Normandy is to be identified with William son of Ralph (Allen, ‘Robert Cénalis’, p. 16). To the end of his entry, add: “ante majus altare sepultus ad partem dexteram (ibid. p. 23). He was descended ex Rogerio patre et Heloide matre, prob. to be identified with Roger de Saint-André (fl. 1172) and his wife, Héloïse (fl. 1181-92); and he may have had a son named William (ibid. pp. 15-6 and n. 56). William himself was a great benefactor of Avranches cath. both in lands and liturgical objects (ibid. pp. 17-9).”

Page 6. To the end of the explanatory paragraph on the deans of Avranches, add: “Allen (‘Five charters’) has shed new light on the origins of the deanship. He shows that the office was begun at the time of bp. Turgis, that Richard of Subligny seems to have been the first dean (meaning that Urson was a rural dean), and identifies the properties attached to the dean’s preb.”

Page 6. To footnote 9, add: “And see now Peltzer, Canon Law, pp. 161-64.”

13Page 7. Add a question mark before the name of Urson. Add to the entry: “He was mostly likely a rural dean.”

Page 7. In the entry on Richard of Subligny, replace the second sentence with the following: “First occ. dated to a single year is on 6 Sept. 1135 (cart Savigny, no. 8).”

Page 7. In the first line of the entry for Mag. Rolland, for “on 8 April 1162 (Neustria Pia, p. 794)” read “in 1161 (Gallia inst. 115)”. Delete the ref. to Gallia inst. 115 in line 2.

14Page 8. In line one of the entry on Guy, for “cart. Savigny, no. 128” read “cart. Savigny, no. 126”.

Page 8. In the entry for William, delete the first sentence, replacing it with: “First occ. dated to a single year is 1191 (Pigeon, Diocèse d’Avranches II (1888), pp. 673-4)”.

Page 8. To the end of footnote 14, add: “On Nicholas as a canonist, see J. Brundage, ‘The Crusade of Richard I: Two Canonical Quaestiones’, Speculum xxxviii (1963), pp. 443-52.”

15Page 9. In line 4 of the entry on Fulcher Tirel, delete “but occ. 1170 × 82 (ibid., no. 9)”. At the end of the entry, to “(cart. Savigny, no. 34)” add “= Rouen, Leber ms. 5636, no. 16’’.

Page 9. In the first line of the entry on William Hayr, for “a ch. of bp. Richard” read “a ch. with bp. Richard”. In line 5, for “1171” read “1161”; in line 9, for “1163” read “1161”.

16Page 10. In the entry of Godfrey, delete sentence 3, replacing it with the following: “His final occ. dated to a single year is on 13 Aug. 1164 (RT, II 269-71).”

Page 10. In the penultimate sentence of the entry on Gislebert II, for “On one occasion” read “In June 1172”.

  • 2 I thank Richard Allen for this ref.

Page 10. To the entry on William Paynel, add “William held a house in Avranches located ‘before the church of Avranches’ (sitam ante Abrin’ ecclesiam), which his brother Fulk sold to bp. William d’Otelles in 1217 (Avranches, F Pi ms. 26bis [formerly fonds Pigeon ms. 45], p. 389).”2

17Page 11. To the end of the entry on Mag. Ralph, add: “Sometime between 1203 and 1221 Ralph received the vicaria of the church of St.-Hilaire-de-Crocy (cart. Troarn, fo. 180v).”

Page 11. Relating to the entry on Robert Berhandi, it is likely that Robert Berhaudi (sic) the archdcn. and the Archdcn. Robert who appears in Müller, no. 104 and Rouen, Leber ms. 5636, no. 10 are two different people. For Robert Berhaudi, who was episcopal notarius under William Ptolomeus (AN, L 976, no. 1091 = Allen, ‘Les actes d’Avranches’, Appendix IV), a can. (cart. Avranches, fos. 10v-11r) and finally mag. and archdcn. in 1231 (AN, L 975, no. 1059), see Allen, ‘Robert Cénalis’, pp. 18-9. The archdcn. Robert who appears in Müller, no. 104 and Rouen, Leber ms. 5636, no. 10 first appears in 1191 (Pigeon, Diocèse d’Avranches II (1888), pp. 673-4). It is perhaps he who is the Archdcn. Robert who witnesses a charter of 1215 (AN, L 976, no. 1132).

Page 11. In the entry on Simon Pitot, for “L 973, no. 61” read “L 973, no. 831”.

  • 3 Manche, cant. Saint-Pierre-Église, c. Tocqueville.
  • 4 I thank R. Allen for this information.

Page 11. After the entry on Simon Pitot add the following: Mag. Roger of Ingleville (Ingarvilla).3 Appears as archdcn. in two chs. of Philippe de Beaumont (cart. Montebourg, nos. 433 and 434). His tenure cannot be dated precisely, but it seems to have occurred at the beginning of the 13th century. A Mag. Roger d’Ingleville appears in two chs. without the title of archdcn. (EEA XII no. 205, p. 185, a ch. of Henry Marshal, bp. of Exeter, 1194 × 1206; and cart. Montebourg, no. 90, a ch. of Walter, abp. of Rouen, 24 July 1205).4

Page 11. To the entry on Alan, add: “the first of which (no. 8) is dated more precisely to 6 Sept. 1135.”

18Page 12. In the first line of the entry on Henry de Alneio, for “a ch. of bp. Richard de Beaufou” read “a ch. with bp. Richard de Beaufou”.

Page 12. In the first sentence of the entry on Hugh, for “1149” read “1159” and for “1135 × 53” read “1142 × 53”. In the third line, for “1161 × 70” read “1161 × 63”. In the fourth line, cart. Savigny no. 16 and AN, L 978, no. 1357 are the same doc.

Page 12. In the second line of the entry on Mag. Guy, for “1188 × 90” read “1188 × 91”. Add: “His last occ. datable to a single year is 1191 (Pigeon, Diocèse d’Avranches II (1888) 673-4)”. In line three, for “no. 321” read “no. 1058”. To the end of the entry add: “His d. is given as 6 Feb. in the obit of Le Mans cath. (Nécrologe-obituaire de la cathédrale du Mans, ed. G. Busson et A. Ledru (Le Mans, 1906), p. 32).”

Page 12. In the second line of the entry on Geoffrey Brito, for “in 1195” read “in Sept. 1195”.

19Page 13. Create a new category called “Chancellors” and add the following: “John. Occ. as cancellarius episcopi in a ch. of bp. Achard dated 1163 × 65 (Allen, ‘Les actes d’Avranches’, Appendix I).”

Page 13. Change the start of the entry on Gislebert to read: “First. occ. on 13 March 1155 (cart. Savigny, no. 12); also occ. in 1159 (Baluze ms. 77, no. 85);”. In line two, for “1161 × 70” read “1161 × 63”.

Page 13. To the end of the first paragraph in the entry on Roger, add: “and in 1191 (Pigeon, Diocèse d’Avranches II (1888), pp. 673-4)”.

Page 13. In the first line of the entry on Geoffrey, for “his first appearance dated to a single year is 1195 (Rouen, Leber ms. 5636, no. 10)” read “his first appearance dated to a single year is 1194 (BN, ms. lat. 54412, p. 417)”. In the fourth line, for “1212” read “1213”; in the fifth line, for “fos. 15v-16r” read “fos. 16v-17r”.

20Page 14. In the entry on John, for “1072 × 94” read “in 1066”; to “fo. 83v” add “= Keats-Rohan, Cartulary, no. 73”.

Page 14. In the entry on Alexander, for “ms. 77, no. 77” read “ms. 77, no. 86”.

Page 14. In the entry on Mag. Ernesy, line 2, for “1135 × 43” read “6 Sept. 1135”.

Page 14. Between the entries for Robert II and Mag. Nicholas of L’Aigle, add the name of John, magister scholarum, who witnessed a ch. of bp. William Burel in 1191 (Allen ‘Les actes d’Avranches’, p. 75, citing, Pigeon, Diocèse d’Avranches II (1888), pp. 673-4).

Page 14. In the second line of the entry on Mag. Nicholas of L’Aigle, for “in 1195” read “in Sept. 1195”. And to the end of that entry, add: “Nicholas of L’Aigle had an interest in canon law (S. Kutner and E. Rathbone, ‘Anglo-Norman Canonists of the Twelfth Century,’ Traditio vii (1949-51), p. 317). He was the son of Walter de Aquila (ibid., n. 7). And see also Peltzer, Canon Law, pp. 161-4.”

21Page 15. In first line of entry on Geoffrey Brito, for “nos. 125-6” read “nos. 123-4”; in line 4, for “Campcervor” read “Campcervon”; and in the last line for “no. 125” read “no. 123”.

Page 15. After the entry for Mag. Henry add: “Mag. Gregory. Occ. once in ch. of bp. Achard in 1163 × 65 (Allen, ‘Les actes d’Avranches’, Appendix I).”

Page 15. At the end of the list of Scriptores, add the name Robert Berhaut, who was the scriptor of bp. William Ptolomeus, hence 1200 × 1210 (AN, L 976, no. 1091 = Allen, ‘Les actes d’Avranches’, Appendix IV).

22Page 16. In the entry on Gislebert, for “1170 × 82” read “1143 × 53”.

Page 16. To the entry on Reginald, add the following sentence: “He is the same person as Reginald the chapl. of Coutances (p. 103): it is unclear if he is associated with Avranches or Coutances.”

23Page 17. Between the entries for Rualenus and William son of Hervey, add: “? W. Occ. once in a ch. of William of Le Hommet in 1202 × 04. The transcription of the now-lost original is not fully reliable, and it is possible that this figure belongs to Coutances, Lisieux, or even the household of William of Le Hommet (Peltzer, ‘Portchester’, Annexe no. 2, pp. 479-80).”

Page 17. For “William son of Hervey” read “William brother of Hervey”; for “Willelmus capellanus filius Hervei” read “Willelmus capellanus frater Hervei”; and for “c.1094 × 1133” read “c.1113”. See Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, II, Appendix G, no. 9, pp. 553-55.

Page 17. Create a category called “Clerics” and add the following names: “? Geoffrey de Bidon”; “? Robert de Sancto Albino”; and “? Ralph Guespiario”. To each name add the following: “Occ. once in ch. of William of Le Hommet in 1202 × 04. The transcription of the now-lost original is not fully reliable, and it is possible that this figure belongs to Coutances, Lisieux, or even the household of William of Le Hommet (Peltzer, ‘Portchester’, Annexe no. 2, pp. 479-80).”

Page 17. In the entry on Mag. Alan, for “and two of bp. William Burel both dated c.1182” read “and one of bp. William Burel (cart. Savigny, no. 67). He also appears in a charter alongside the same bp. (Cart. Le Mans no. 128)”.

Page 17. In the entry on Alexander, for “a ch. of bp. Turgis 1094 × 1133” read “a ch. with bp. Turgis 1112 × 1133”.

Page 17, n. 24. To the end of the note, add: “Alexander de Villedieu’s presence at Avranches seems to be after the Ducal Period. For more on his career see Allen, ‘Robert Cenalis’, pp. 19-20.”

24Page 18. Between the entries for Anschetille and Auboin, add the following: “Ansger Pilet. Fined at the Norman exchequer in 1180 so that his preb. could be held in free alms. Ansger is not called a can., but the fact that he is a preb. and that the canons of Avranches are similarly fined at the same time strongly suggests he is a cath. can. (Pipe Rolls of Normandy, p. 29).”

Page 18. Under the entry on Ernesy of Verdun, for “in a ch. of bp. Michael, 1072 × 94” read “in 1066”. To “fo. 83v” add “= Keats-Rohan, Cartulary, no. 73)”.

Page 18. Under the entry on Gauslin, for “in a ch. of bp. Michael, 1072 × 94” read “in 1066”. To “fo. 83v” add “= Keats-Rohan, Cartulary, no. 73)”.

25Page 20. To the entry on Gislebert Pilatus, for “in 1135 × 43” read “on 6 Sept. 1135”.

Page 20. To the entry on Henry de Alneio, for “was treas.” read “was treas. on 6 Sept. 1135”.

Page 20. In the first line of the entry on Herbert Blancus Homo, for “in 1195” read “in Sept. 1195”.

26Page 21. Delete Mag. John. This ref. applies to Mag. Philip, found on p. 22.

27Page 23. Add the following new entry: “? Mag. Ralph de Maisnilscalon (sic for Maisnilclac?). Occ. once in a ch. of William of Le Hommet in 1202 × 04. The transcription of the now-lost original is not fully reliable, and it is possible that this figure belongs to Coutances, Lisieux, or even the household of William of Le Hommet (Peltzer, ‘Portchester’, Annexe no. 2, pp. 479-80)”.

Page 23. In the last line of the entry on Richard dean of Landelles, for “1170 × 82” read “1143 × 53”.

28Page 24. Add the following entry: “Robert de Garolis. Occ. once in ch. of bp. Achard in 1163 × 65 (Allen, ‘Les actes d’Avranches’, Appendix I).”

29Page 25. In the first line of the entry on Robert of St.-Jean, for “in 1195” read “in Sept. 1195”.

  • 5 Ille-et-Vilaine, cant. St.-Aubin-d’Aubigné.
  • 6 I thank R. Allen for this information.

Page 25. Add the following new entry: “? Rualenus of Mouazé5 Occ. with other Avranches clergy in Sept. 1195 in a ch. of Herbert bp. of Rennes, as Rualenus de Moisseio (Rouen, Leber ms. 5636, no. 10).”6

30Page 26. Add the following new entry: “? Mag. W. de Haya. Occ. once in a ch. of William of Le Hommet in 1202 × 04. The transcription of the now-lost original is not fully reliable, and it is possible that this figure belongs to Coutances, Lisieux, or even the household of William of Le Hommet (Peltzer, ‘Portchester’, Annexe no. 2, pp. 479-80).”

31Page 27. In the second line of the entry on William of Epaignes, for “in 1195” read “in Sept. 1195”.

Page 27. Add the following new entry: “? Mag. William Hardelli. Occ. once in a ch. of William of Le Hommet in 1202 × 04. The transcription of the now-lost original is not fully reliable, and it is possible that this figure belongs to Coutances, Lisieux, or even the household of William of Le Hommet (Peltzer, ‘Portchester’, Annexe no. 2, pp. 479-80).”

Bayeux Cathedral

32Page 31. After the entry for bp. Henry, add the following new entry: “? Richard. Occ. in the ‘Translatio IIa S. Audoeni’ in c.967 × 985 (Musset, ‘Un millénaire oublié’, p. 563, 569). But see Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, pp. 11-15 for arguments against the existence of bp. Richard.”

33Pages 31-32. To the end of the entry on Hugh of Ivry, add: “Buried in the cath. church to the north of the tower, in a marble tomb (Gallia, 353; Allen ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, p. 119, n. 109). Had a son called Ralph and a daughter named Albereda (ibid., II, Appendix D, p. 471).”

34Page 32. To the end of the first sentence on Odo, add the following footnote: “R. Allen has argued that bp. Hugh of Lisieux may have been in episcopal office as early as 1046 × 1047/48 therefore moving Odo’s priestly ordination to that earlier date. (Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, pp. 257-79).” To the end of the entry on Odo, add: “Odo owned a lodging (hospitium) in Caen (cart. Troarn, fo. 158v).”

Page 32. To the end of the first paragraph on the entry on Turold of Envermeu, add the following footnote: “R. Allen has argued that Turold seized the bpric. of Bayeux in 1099, ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, p. 162.” To the end of the entry on Turold, add: “Turold had a nephew called Geoffrey de Tôtes (de Tostes), while a certain Geoffrey, son of Turold of Envermeu (Gaufridus filius Turoldi de Euremou) may have been the bp.’s son (Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, II, Appendix G, no. 35, pp. 614-15).”

35Page 33. To the end of footnote 7, add: “On Philip see T. Roche, ‘A Bishop and His Conflicts: Philip of Bayeux (1142-63)’, Cathedrals, Communities and Conflict in the Anglo-Norman World, ed. P. Dalton, et al. (Woodbridge, 2011), pp. 117-30; and M.A. and R.H. Rouse, ‘Potens in Opere et Sermone: Philip, Bishop of Bayeux, and His Books’, Authentic Witnesses: Approaches to Medieval Texts and Manuscripts (Notre Dame, Indiana, 1991), pp. 33-59.”

Page 33. After the first sentence of the entry on Henry de Beaumont, add: “Henry had also earlier been an archdcn. at Salisbury (Fasti IV 32; EEA XIX 395).” At the end of paragraph 1, add: “J. Peltzer holds that Henry’s d. was in 1204 because the evidence relating to his successor’s – Robert d’Ablèges – election allows only for 1204 (Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 138, n. 310).” To the end of sentence 2 of paragraph 2, add: “and cf. Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, II, p. 72, no. 272 where one of the witnesses is called ‘John nephew of Henry bp. of Bayeux’.”

36Page 34. To the end of line 3, under the heading of Deans, add: “R. Allen raises the slight possibility of there being a dean named William between deans Ralph and Richard of Bohon, i.e., c.1135 × c.1144 (Allen, ‘Five charters’, pp. 13-4).”

Page 34. To the end of the entry on William of Rots, add: “His funerary plaque survives (Corpus des inscriptions, no. 164 and fig. 87). On his abbacy see Gazeau, Normannia Monastica 2, pp. 110-13.”

Page 34. Delete the last sentence of footnote 12, making a new entry after dean William, as follows: “Hamelin. Occ. as dean of Bayeux in the record of a dispute in 1122 between Troarn and Drogo the priest (cart Troarn, fo. 185r-v).”

37Page 36. In line 6, for “c.1183” read “1184”.

Page 36. To footnote 15, add: “Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 140, n. 313 confirms that this dean is indeed named Richard de St.-Amand.”

38Page 37. In line 1 of the entry for Mundradus, after the word “arcidiaconos” add “sic”.

Page 37. In the entry on Bernard, for “hence from 1049 × 97 (ADSM, 14 H 160).” read “dated c.1088 × 27 Feb. 1092 (ADSM, 14 H 160 = Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, II, Appendix G, no. 30, pp. 599-601)”.

Page 37. In line 4 of the entry for Goslin, for “hence from 1049 × 97 (ADSM, 14 H 160).” read “dated c.1088 × 27 Feb. 1092 (ADSM, 14 H 160 = Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, II, Appendix G, no. 30, pp. 599-601).” In line 5, for “Also occ.” read “Also occ. in a ch. of Samson bp. of Worcester”. And in line 6, for “pp. 426-7)” read “pp. 426-7 = EEA XXXIII, no. 22)”.

39Page 38. After the first sentence of the entry on Helgot, add: “Appears alongside bp. Odo, Ralph of Mont-Cauvin and William son of Oger in 1088 × 1096 (cart. Troarn, fo. 158v).”

Page 38. In line 2 of the entry on Ralph, for “hence from 1049 × 97 (ADSM, 14 H 160).” read “dated c.1088 × 27 Feb. 1092 (ADSM, 14 H 160 = Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, II, Appendix G, no. 30, pp. 599-601).”

  • 7 I thank G. Combalbert for reminding me of this ref.

Page 38. Between the entries for Ralph and Richard II, add the following new entry: “? Fulbert. Occ. once in ch. of St. Etienne of Caen at the time of Abbot Eudo (hence 1107 × 40), attesting on behalf of one Ebremarius (cart. St.-Etienne, fos. 54v-55r). Fulbert appears as archdcn. not explicitly of Bayeux. On balance, though, it is likely that this is Fulbert archdcn. II or III of Rouen.”7

40Page 40. To the list of Bayeux archdeacons, between the entries for Patrick and William of Le Breuil, add a new entry: “Humphrey. Occ. in a ch. of bp. Philip, hence 1142 × 63, but various abbatial attestors refine the date of the ch. to 1149 × 63. The mention of Rotrou as abp. in the doc. suggests the end of the range: he was prob. bp. of Evreux when he offered counsel to bp. Philip (Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, I, p. 275, no. 30).”

Page 40. To the end of sentence 1 for the entry on Waleran, add: “once specifically as archdcn. of Hiémois (Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, I, p. 362, no. 3)”.

41Page 41. To the end of the entry on Roger, add: “He was named to the benefice of the church of St.-Germain-Langot by bp. Henry (Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, II, p. 304, no. 64).”

42Page 42. To the end of the entry on Jordan, add: “Jordan was the brother of bp. Henry (Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, II, p. 120, no. 945; cf. Cart. Plessis-Grimoult, fo. 243r).” J. Peltzer (personal communication of 28 May 2010) cautions that there is some measure of doubt here because while the ch. in questions reads “cette charte est attestée par Jourdain, archidicacre; ainsi que par Vautier, frères de l’évêque”, in other instances where Jordan appears as archdcn. he is not explicitly called “brother” while Walter is so identified (e.g., Cart. Bayeux no. 48; ADC, H 5606).

43Page 43. To the end of the entry on William the archdcn., add: “Prob. to be identified as William of Semilly, in which case his career would begin as can. of Bayeux (q.v.), then archdcn. prob. by 1190 and certainly by 1204 when he was a candidate to replace bp. Henry and when he issued two chs. during the episcopal vacancy (Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, I, p. 7 no. 44, and p. 104, no. 80), and finally dean of Bayeux by 1223.”

44Page 45. To the end of paragraph 1 in the entry on Sanson the treasurer, add: “For his career at Worcester, see EEA XXXIII, pp. xxxvii-xxxix, and passim.”

  • 8 Eure, cant. Brionne.

45Pages 45-6. Previously I had assumed that thesaurarius and sacrista were interchangeable terms for the office of treasurer at Bayeux. It seems more likely, however, that the title of sacrista is a synonym for custos (variant is custor), which terms should prob. be translated “subtreasurer”. This forms a parallel at Bayeux to the positions of dean and subdean, and of chanter and subchanter. This has implications for the entry on William I the custos on page 52 (see below), and for William of Harcourt whose new entry should now read: “William of Harcourt.8 His appearances dated to a single year are 1148 (Cart. Bayeux no. LXI = Cal. Docs. France no. 1438, dated by abp. Hugh’s presence at the council of Reims in 1148), 1153 (Cart. Bayeux nos. CXVII, CXXXIX), and April-Dec. 1154 (Cart. Bayeux nos. XIII and CXXXVIII, see Regesta III no. 65 for the date); but also occ. in 1147 × 50 (Cart. Bayeux no. CVI). Received from Henry II a stone house in Bayeux once owned by Conan the treas. (Cart. Bayeux nos. XIII, CXXXVIII). Appears with surname, de Herecuria, on several occasions (Cart. Bayeux nos. XII, CXXXVIII, CCLXXV). Doubtless related to bp. Philip of Harcourt.”

46Page 46. In the entry on Oger, for “hence from 1049 × 97 (ADSM, 14 H 160).” read “dated c.1088 × 27 Feb. 1092 (ADSM, 14 H 160 = Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, II, Appendix G, no. 30, pp. 599-601)”.

47Page 48. Under the entry for Humphrey Bove, to the ref. to Bourrienne in line 4, add: “and Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, I, p. 362, no. 3)”.

48Page 49. In the entry on Richard, for “hence from 1049 × 97 (ADSM, 14 H 160).” read “dated c.1088 × 27 Feb. 1092 (ADSM, 14 H 160 = Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, II, Appendix G, no. 30, pp. 599-601)”.

49Page 52. The new entry on William I should read: “First occ. as sacrista is in Sept. 1146 (Cart. Bayeux no. XLI = Regesta III, no. 58), then on 3 March 1153 (Cart. Bayeux nos. CXVII and CXXXIX), on 29 April 1156 (ibid. no. CL = Müller no. 14, pp. 104-5), in 1160 (Cart. Bayeux no. CCCCXLII), on 3 Jan. 1164 (ibid. no. CXV = Müller no. 24, pp. 119-20), on 9 May 1165 (Cart. Bayeux no. CXVI), and finally in Feb. 1169 (ibid. no. CXXXV). He was dead by 1171 when he is referred to in the past tense “sicut illam vivente Willelmo custore Baiocensi tenui” (ADC H 1854 [6]). He was involved in a controversy over the tithe at Bretteville-l’Orgueilleuse in 1165 (Müller, no. 25, pp. 120-21). William usually appears as sacrista, but often as custos (Cart. Bayeux nos. XLI, CXVI; Bourrienne, Philippe de Harcourt, no. XV; Cart. Troarn, fos. 135v-136r; Cart. Evreux no. 85; Cal. Docs. France, no. 496; ADC H 1854 [6]).

  • 9 I thank Tamiko Fujimoto for calling my attention to and for providing information on thes (...)

That William the sacrista is different from William of Harcourt the treasurer is certain since both appear in the same docs. (Cart. Bayeux nos. CXXXIX, CXVII; Bourrienne, Philippe de Harcourt no. XV). And that William the sacrista is the same person as William the custos can be assumed from two chs. of Philip bp. of Bayeux for Plessis-Grimoult, one where William attests as sacrista and the other where he attests as custos (Bourrienne, Philippe de Harcourt nos. XV and XX). Moreover, in a controversy against Richard de Chicheboville over the tithe at Bretteville-l’Orgueilleuse William is identified as sacrista in 1165 and custor in 1171, but it is clear from the context that this is the same person (Müller, no. 25, pp. 120-21 = ADC H 1854 [4]; and ADC H 1854 [6]).9

Page 52. In the entry on William the scriptor, for “in 1049 × 97 (ADSM, 14 H 160).” read “in c.1088 × 27 Feb. 1092 (ADSM, 14 H 160 = Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, II, Appendix G, no. 30, pp. 599-601)”.

50Page 53. To the entry on Humphrey Bove, add: “Sometimes appears as archchaplain (Bourrienne, Philippe de Harcourt, no. VIII, pp. 142-3; Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, I, p. 362, no. 3).”

51Page 57. In line 2 of the entry for Anschetille of St.-Vigor, for “hence from 1049 × 97 (ADSM, 14 H 160).” read “dated c.1088 × 27 Feb. 1092 (ADSM, 14 H 160 = Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, II, Appendix G, no. 30, pp. 599-601)”.

52Page 59. In the entry on Fulk I, for “hence from 1049 × 97 (ADSM, 14 H 160).” read “dated c.1088 × 27 Feb. 1092 (ADSM, 14 H 160 = Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, II, Appendix G, no. 30, pp. 599-601)”.

53Page 60. For “Geoffrey of Espavaldi” read “Geoffrey Espavaldi”.

54Page 61. Under the entry for Gilbert de Beaumont, for “consanguinus” read “consanguineus”.

55Page 66. Under the entry for Jocelin, for “Occ. as can. in 1188 × 98” read “Occ. as can. in c.1176 × 89 (Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, II, p. 143, no. 1265) and in 1188 × 98”.

56Page 67. Under the entry for John de Condé, insert this as sentence 2: “He held a part of the church of St.-Exupère from Plessis-Grimoult (Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, II, p. 65, no. 44).”

Page 67. To the end of the entry for John of Cottun, add: “including one in 1175 (Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, II, p. 134, no. 1149)”.

57Page 69. In the entry on Odo son of Oger, for “1049 × 97 (ADSM, 14 H 160).” read “but issued c.1088 × 27 Feb. 1092 (ADSM, 14 H 160 = Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, II, Appendix G, no. 30, pp. 599-601)”.

58Page 73. To the entry on Mag. Ralph Neret, add: “Occ. on 27 May 1182 in a ch. of bp. Henry (cart. Savigny, no. 282 = AN L 967, no. 107). He was the brother of Hugh Nereth, archdcn. of Coutances, and thus to be identified as Ralph Nereth who became a can. of Dol in 1184, then in 1185 cardinal-deacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro, and later cardinal-priest of S. Prassede, dying in 1189 or 1190 (Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 149).”

59Page 77. To the list of canons, add: “Robert the Chaplain. Was a chapl. at Bayeux (q.v.), but also a can. at the time of Ranulf the Chancellor, i.e., c.1176 × c.1191 (Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, II, p. 143, no. 1265), and prob. a can. on several occasions in 1165 × 1205 since his name appears in witness lists ahead of other canons (e.g., ibid., I, p. 362, no. 5). Presumably a different person from Mag. Robert the chapl. who was a can. at Rouen at the same time.”

60Page 81. In the entry on Stephen I, for “in 1049 × 97 (ADSM, 14 H 160).” read “dated c.1088 × 27 Feb. 1092 (ADSM, 14 H 160 = Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, II, Appendix G, no. 30, pp. 599-601)”.

Page 81. To the list of canons, add: “Stephen d’Alberède. Occ. c.1176 × c.1191 (Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, II, p. 143, no. 1265)”.

61Page 82. To the list of canons, add: “Thomas de St.-Martin. Occ c.1176 × c.1191 (Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, II, p. 143, no. 1265, and II, p. 88, no. 523)”.

Page 82. In the entry on Turstin, for “in 1049 × 97 (ADSM, 14 H 160).” read “dated c.1088 × 27 Feb. 1092 (ADSM, 14 H 160 = Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, II, Appendix G, no. 30, pp. 599-601)”.

  • 10 ADC H 7745 is a late-medieval cart. for the abbey of St.-Martin of Troarn, known as the C (...)

62Page 83. In line 1 of the entry for Mag. Wace, for “occ. is” read “occs. are on Feb. 1169 (ADC H 7745, fo. 5r)10 and”. To the end of the entry of Wace add: “For recent work on Wace see F.H.M. Le Saux, A Companion to Wace (Woodbridge, 2005); Maistre Wace, a Celebration, eds. G. S. Burgess and J. Weiss (Jersey, 2006); G. S. Burgess, The History of the Norman People, Wace’s Roman de Rou (Woodbridge, 2004); and V. Fallan and J. Everard, “Master Wace: A Cross-Channel Prosopographer for the Twelfth Century?” in The English and their Legacy, 900-1200. Essays in Honour of Ann Williams, ed. D. Roffe (Woodbridge, 2012), pp. 61-78, which includes a calendar of four charters which Wace attested.”

63Page 86. To the entry of William of Sémilly, insert the following as sentence 2: “Became archdcn. by 1204, i.e. during the episcopal vacancy following the d. of bp. Henry de Beaumont (Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, I, p. 7, no. 44, and p. 104, no. 80), and is prob. therefore to be identified as archdcn. William, p. 43, above.”

Coutances Cathedral

64Page 90. To the end of the entry on bp. Hugh, add: “Enlarged the church of St. Lô de Rouen (‘Translatio sancti Laudi’, in E.-A. Pigeon, Vies des Saints du diocèse de Coutances et Avranches, avec des notions préliminaires et l’histoire des reliques de chaque Saint, 2 vols. (Avranches, 1892-1898), I, p. 162)” and “Cons. the church of La Ferté-en-Bray in c.1020 (Bauduin, Première Normandie, p. 292 n. 37).”

Page 90. To the entry on Herbert II, after “(at least by 1025” add “and possibly as early as late 1022 or early 1023. See Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, p. 248”.

Page 90. To the end of the entry on Robert, add: “Cons. abbey of St.-Wandrille along with abp. of Rouen and bp. of Lisieux on 12 Sept. 1033 (J. Laporte, ed., ‘Inventio et Miracula Sancti Vulfranni’, Mélanges de la Société de l’Histoire de Normandie, xiv (1938), pp. 8-87, at 50-51), and attended the council of Rouen in c.1045 (G. Bessin, Concilia Rotomagensis Provinciae (Rouen, 1717), p. 40).”

Page 90. To the end of footnote 4, add: “See more recently, C. Dennis, ‘The Career of Geoffrey de Montbray, Bishop of Coutances (1048-1093) and unus de primatibus Anglorum (“one of the chief men of the English”)’ Cardiff University Ph.D. dissertation, 2012.”

65Page 92. In the entry on Richard of Brix, after “(Gallia 874” add “= ‘Inventio Corporis Sancti Gaudi’, in Pigeon, Vies des Saints, pp. 89-96”.

  • 11 I thank R. Allen for calling this doc. to my attention.

Page 92. To the end of the first sentence of the second paragraph in the entry on Algar, add: “and another nephew named Baldwin (Charters of Quarr Abbey, ed. S. Hockey (Isle of Wight, 1991), no. 124”.11 To the end of the entry add: “Was possibly can. at Exeter (Fasti x 38).”

  • 12 I thank R. Allen for this ref.

Page 92. In the entry of Richard of Bohon, in line 2, delete “Jaffé, Regesta no. 15023”. As regards the d. date of bp. Richard of Bohon, Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 147, no. 344, citing a letter of Pope Lucius III, holds that Richard d. in 1178; but a letter of the constable William of Le Hommet is addressed to him and Richard l’Évêque, bp. of Avranches (ADM, H 465, of which a copy can be found at the Institut de France). Since William of Le Hommet did not become constable until 1179, perhaps even 1180, it is likely that bp. Richard didn’t d. until 1179 or 1180.12 In paragraph two, move the phrase “Had a seneschal named Mag. Stephen (cart. Boscherville, fo. 133r)” to the entry on bp. William of Tournebu.

66Pages 92-3. In line 1 of the entry for William of Tournebu, for “El. in 1180” read “El. in 1183” (Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 147). Delete sentence two, and replace it with: “Still bp.-el. on 10 June 1184 (Cart. Luzerne, no. XV, p. 14).” As regards the d. date of bp. William, R. Allen informs me that William was certainly dead before Dec. 1201, since a letter of King John refers to the election of bp. Vivian (Rot. Pat., p. 4). Peltzer notes this, but also draws attention to a mention of a charter issued by William in 1202 (Canon Law, p. 148 n. 352). This, however, is probably the result of a misreading of the letter V. (Vivianus) for Vuillelmus (which happens frequently in cart. copies of Vivian’s acts, and even elsewhere in the source cited by Peltzer).

67Page 93. To the end of the entry on William of Tournebu, add: “A kinsman of his, Simon de Tournebu, nephew and seneschal of bp. Philip of Harcourt (of Bayeux), was involved in the ducal administration of Normandy and Thomas de Tournebu, who succeeded his brother Simon in his estates around 1180, had been a knight in Henry II’s entourage at the time of Becket’s murder’ (Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 148).”

Page 93. To the end of the entry on Vivian de Stagno, to “Le Cacheux ms. p. 367” add “= AN L 971, no. 572”; then add: “Vivian and his brother, William de l’Etang, were among King Richard’s most trusted familiares (Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 148).”

Page 93. Add as the first sentence in the entry on Theodelinus: “Name is rendered as ‘Theodolinus’ in earliest surviving ms. copy of the Coutances miracles. See the critical edition in Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, II, Appendix F, p. 495.”

Page 93. Add as the first sentence in the entry on Osbern. “Name is rendered as ‘Osbert’ in ADM, H 4622 = ADM, 15 Fi 52.”

  • 13 I thank R. Allen for this ref.

68Page 97. At the end of the entry on Ralph II, add: “Occ. as archdcn. of the Bauptois in a ch. of 1 May 1138 in which the church of Sainteny was given to St. Nicholas of Angers (L. Le Pelletier, Rerum scitu dignissimarum, a prima fundatione monasterii S. Nicolai Andegavensis (Angers, 1635), p. 85).”13

Page 97. Add this sentence to the end of the first paragraph on Philip: “Indeed, most likely these later refs. belong to Philip of Tournebu, below.”

69Page 98. In the last line of the entry on John, for “1164” read “1165”. This ch. is dated by the old style, the 13th indiction was 1165.

Page 98. To the end of the first sentence in the entry on William of Argences, add : “until 1156 (AD Maine-et-Loire, H 3714, fo. 32v)”.

70Page 99. In line three of the entry on Robert of Milly, for “1151 × 79” read “1175 × 77”.

Page 99. In sentence one of the entry for Richard II, for “whom he seems to have replaced” read “since both occ. in the same doc. (RT II 256)”. In line 4 of that same entry, for “beginning in 1172” read “beginning in 1158 (RT II 256), then in 1172”.

Page 99. In line one of the entry on Richard of Poilley, for “1173 × 75 (cart. St.-Evroul, no. 235)” read “1177 (Müller, no. 33)”.

  • 14 Manche, cant. Tessy-sur-Vire.

71Page 100. Before the entry of Mag. Ralph, add the following new entry: “Philip of Tournebu. Occ. explicitly as archdcn. with his toponymic in 1183 × 1202, in a ch. of bp. William of Tournebu confirming gifts of Robert de Troisgots14 to the abbey of Hambye (Le Cacheux ms. pp. 298-9).”

Page 100. For “Ralph de St. Salvatore” read “Ralph de St.-Salvatore”.

72Page 101. In line one of the entry on Hugh Nereth, for “1151 × 79” read “1183 × 1201”. In the last paragraph, for “Prob. related to” read “Was the brother of”. To the end of that same entry, add: “But for reservations about the Morville connection, see Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 149, n. 360.”

73Page 102. After the first sentence in the entry on Peter, add: “He is called “Peter the monk” (Petrus monachus) in the earliest surviving ms. copy of the Coutances miracles. See the critical edition in Allen, ‘Norman episcopate’, II, Appendix F, p. 485.”

  • 15 I thank C. Mauduit for this correction.

Page 102. For the paragraph on the office of Magister Scolarum, recast the final sentence to read: “Otherwise, the first appearance at Coutances is not until 1225 when an unnamed magister scolarum serves with Mag. W. de Han as papal judges delegate in a dispute involving the monastery of Montebourg (cart. Montebourg, no. 106).”15

74Page 103. In the entry on John, note that in the 1192 ref., he appears as “John, chaplain of Hyenville”.

Page 103. For “Mag. Ralph Tallevende” read “Mag. Ralph of Tallevende”.

Page 103. To the entry on Reginald, add the following sentence: “He is the same person as Reginald the chapl. of Avranches (p. 16): it is unclear if he is associated with Avranches or Coutances.”

Page 103. In the entry for Richard de Bosco, for “Also a chapl.” read “Also a can.”.

Page 103. For “Richard of Cherbourg” read “Robert of Cherbourg”.

75Page 105. In the entry on Humphrey, add the following as a new sentence 2: “Also occ. twice in Jan. 1163, as a cleric and rural dean (Le Cacheux ms. pp. 59-60 = cart. Montebourg, no. 45; cart. Cerisy, pp. 450-1 = Toustain de Billy, Coutances I 231).” At the end of the entry, for “same ch.” read “same ch. (ibid.)”.

Page 105. In the entry on Humphrey Bove, add the title “Mag.” to his name. Also, delete sentence one. In line 5, for “bp. Richard” read “bp. Richard, in the latter of which as mag”.

  • 16 Manche, cant. Périers. I thank R. Allen for this identification.

Page 105. For “Ilbert” read “Ilbert of Marchésieux”.16

  • 17 Lat.: de Stalleignio. Manche, cant. Carentan, c. Sainteny. I thank R. Allen for this (...)

76Page 106. For “Peter of Bastigny” read “Peter of l’Etelan”.17

77Page 107. For “Mag. Ralph Tallevende” read “Mag. Ralph of Tallevende”. In line one, for “1192” read “1197”. R. Allen writes in a personal communication that the original from which Le Cacheux worked was damaged at the point where the date was given. He initially expanded “M.o C.o nonagesimo s…” as “M.o C.o nonagesimo secundo”. However, the cart. copy of this act gives “M.o C.o nonagesimo VIIo”. Having consulted the cart., Le Cacheux corrected one of his transcriptions, but not the other.

Page 107. The new entry for Richard Comin should read: “? Richard Comin. Also can. of Bayeux (q.v.). Occ. as possible cleric in ch. for Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte with bp. Vivien and other Coutances clergy, hence 1202 × 08 (Le Cacheux MS, p. 366). Prob. related to can. Nicholas Comin.”

  • 18 See the 2009 University of Caen Master’s thesis of Christophe Mauduit, ‘Étude d’une famil (...)

78Page 108. The entry on Robert of Reviers should now read: “Cleric in 1199 × 1216 as well as pr. of the church of St.-George of Néhou (Müller no. 242, pp. 393-4 = Cart. Montebourg no. 52). Robert is from the Amfreville branch of Reviers family.”18

79Page 110. In the entry on Hameline, for “Hugueville” read “Heugueville-sur-Sienne”.

80Page 111. Replace the current entry on Tichelinus with the following: “Occ. in 1187 and 1192 as priest and dcn. of St.-Gilles (Le Cacheux MS, pp. 179, 200).”

81Page 112. At the end of the entry on Fulbert, for “no. 406)” read “no. 406 and no. 65), although he is possibly one person named ‘Robert Fulbert’.”

82Page 113. In the last line of the entry on Mag. Geoffrey of Bourg-Achard, for “Méantes” read “Méautis”.

83Page 121. Delete the second sentence of the entry on Mag. Richard Hayr.

84Page 122. To the end of the entry on Robert, add: “although he is possibly one person named ‘Robert Fulbert’. ”

85Page 126. To the end of the entry on Mag. Stephen Pictavensi, add: “G. ­Combalbert proposes that this may be the same person as Stephen de Châtellerault who was ‘fermier de deux parts de la dîme de Runevilla pour les chanoines de l’abbaye de Blanchelande’ (G. Combalbert, ‘Règlement des conflits, gestion du risque et clercs paroissiaux: l’affermage des dîmes (Normandie, XIIe-XIIIe siècles)’, La Dîme, l’église et la société féodale, ed. M. Lauwers (Turnhout, 2012), p. 355, citing ADM 136J non coté (2 Mi 175).”

86Page 128. In the entry on William le Cheminant, delete the question mark before his name, then in line 6, to “and in 1225 as papal judge-delegate” add “by which date he was definitely a can.”. In line five, for “Hugueville” read “Heugueville-sur-Sienne”.

87Page 130. In line 1, for “Coutances episcopal acta” read “mostly Coutances episcopal acta”. In line 2, for “eleventh and twelfth” read “twelfth and thirteenth”. In the final line, for “St.-Hélier of Jersey” read “St.-Sauveur-le-Vicomte.”

Évreux Cathedral

88Page 133. On Gerald bp. of Évreux, insert the following as sentence 1: “Occ. (as Gerard) in the “Translatio IIa S. Audoeni” in c.988 (Musset, ‘Un millénaire oublié’, pp. 563, 569).”

Page 133. To the end of the entry on Gislebert, add: “Had a son called Odo who donated land to Fécamp (Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, II, Appendix D, p. 471).”

Page 133. At the entry on Hugh II, for “Gallia 571” read “BN, ms. n. a. lat. 1773, fo. 2v”. To the end of the entry, add: “Attended cons. of the abbey of Conches in 1035 (Grand Cartulaire de Conches, no. 406 (i)) and the council of Rouen in c.1045 (Bessin, Concilia Rotomagensis Provinciae (Rouen, 1717), p. 40).”

Page 133. To end of the entry on William Fleitel, add: “Attended the cons. of Rouen cath. on 1 Oct. 1063 and the council of Lisieux in 1064 (R. Allen, ‘The Acta Archiepiscoporum Rotomagensium: Study and Edition’, Tabularia, ‘Documents’, no. ix (2009), p. 40; Delisle, ‘Canons du concile tenu à Lisieux’, Journal des Savants (1901), p. 517). His d. was given as 11 Feb. in a lost obit. of Saint-Sauveur d’Évreux and as 20 April in the obit of the cath. of Évreux. He is also commemorated in the obits of Jumièges, La Croix-Saint-Leufroy and Lyre (Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, p. 223).”

89Page 134. Under the entry for Gislebert son of Osbern, to the end of the first sentence, add: “although this appellation is a modern one, without any contemporary foundation (Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, p. 226, n. 2)”. In line 3, after “one for St.-Denis” add “now verified by Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III)”. Insert as a new sentence in line 8: “Gislebert was a participant on the First Crusade, accompanying Odo bp. of Bayeux over whose burial he presided in 1097 (Orderic V 118, 210).”

90Page 135. Under the entry for John son of Luke, after sentence three, insert the following: “Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 102, suggests that John was named bp. by King Henry II in or shortly before July 1181, citing the Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi, R.S. (1867) I, 278; but G. Combalbert notes (personal communication 6 Sept. 2012) that John son of Luke as bp. witnessed a ch. on 24 April 1180 (Fécamp cart. Rouen ms. Y 51, fo. 34v).”

Page 135. To footnote 5, add: “For additional information on Garin and the Cierrey family, see Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 103.”

91Page 136. Under the entry for Robert of Roye, add the following to the end of sentence 1: “although perhaps by late 1201 (Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 105)”.

Page 136. To the end of the entry on Bp. Luke, add: “Luke’s career had been fostered by his relative, the former bp. John (fitz Luke) (Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 105).”

Page 136. Under the entry on Fulk of Guernanville, in line 1, for “Fulk prior of St.-Evroul” read “Fulk abbot of St.-Evroul (on whom see Gazeau, Normannia Monastica 2, pp. 300-03)”.

Page 136. To the entry on Gerard, add: “R. Allen has discovered a marginal note in a ms. of A. Du Monstier, stating, ‘Girardus, Ebroicensis decanus, sedit episcopus quinque annis, et apud deum et honorem laudem promeruit,’ which could have served as the source for the Gallia ref. (Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, p. 432 n. 2, citing BN ms. lat. 10050, fo. 164v.)

  • 19 I thank G. Combalbert for this ref.

92Page 141. Between the entries for Philip of Harcourt and Robert II, add the following new entry: “Herbert. Occ. along with archdcn. Ralph in a ch. of bp. Audoen, hence 1133 × 39 (B.N. ms. fr. 24133, p. 136).”19

Page 141. In line 1 of the entry for William of Glos, for “William I, above” read “William, above”.

Page 141. To the end of the entry on Robert II, add: “Prob. to be identified as Robert of Neubourg who appears in a ch. of Waleran of Meulan in 1163 × 64 as archdcn. of an unspecified see, but which is prob. Evreux, or less likely, Rouen (Cart. Préaux, no. B23).”

  • 20 I thank G. Combalbert for this ref.

93Page 142. Replace the first sentence of the entry on Mag. Richard Croc with the following: “First appears as archdcn. in 1141 with surname (BN ms. fr. 24133, p. 134).”20

Page 142. Replace the first clause of the first sentence of the entry on Roger of Brionne with the following: “First appears as archdcn. in 1141 with surname (BN ms. fr. 24133, p. 134),”.

  • 21 I thank G. Combalbert for the corrected reading.

94Page 143. Before the entry for Hugh, add this new entry: “Matthew. Occ. in ch. of bp. Giles, thus 1170 × 79, but possibly 1175 × 78 given the presence of dean Guy. (Le Brasseur, Évreux, inst. p. 2, where Matheo archidiacono is misread as nostro archidiacono, corrected from BN ms. lat. 5417, p. 120 and BN ms. lat. 17034, p. 29).”21

Page 143. In line 1 of the entry for Hugh, omit “only once”. At the end of the entry, add: “and settles an undated dispute between Alfred abbot of St.-Pierre-sur-Dives and Fulk de Vendeuvres (Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, I, p. 252, no. 4)”.

Page 143. Under the entry for Hubert, line 8, for “In 1190 Mag. Hubert was an English” read “In 1190 Mag. Hubert resigned his control of the church of Caxton in England (EEA XXXI, no. 146), and in that same year he was an English”.

95Page 144. To the entry of Mauger, add: “On Master Mauger, see now EEA XXXIV, pp. xxxiv-vii and acta nos. 96-152.”

Page 144. To the end of the entry for Ralph Louvel, add: “He was related to the Cierrey family (D. Power, The Norman Frontier in the Twelfth and Early Thirteenth Centuries, (Cambridge, 2004), p. 138, n. 137).”

96Page 147. To the end of the entry for Garin of Cissey, add: “He witnesses two acta of William bp. of Ely in 1190 × 91 (EEA XXXI, nos. 126-27).”

  • 22 I thank G. Combalbert for this ref.

Page 147. To the end of the first paragraph on Richard of Vaudreuil, add: “His first occ. is ante 1193 if he is R. chanter of Évreux who sold goods to Garin of Cierrey before the latter became bp. (ADE, G 125, fo. 140v).”22

97Page 155. In the entry for Milo, for “nos. 53-4).” read “nos. 53-4 = Cart. Préaux, no. B60, where the dating limit is refined to 1172 × 82)”.

98Page 156. To the end of the entry for Osbert de Hosa, add: “Cf. Osb’ de Hosa who occ. in the 1180 Norman pipe roll (Pipe Rolls of Normandy, p. 29).”

99Page 165. After the entry for William of Pacy, add the following new entry: “W[illiam] son of William son of Ralph. Occ. as probable can. in 1184 × 1202 (cart. Evreux, no. 38) as W. filius W. filii Rad’ quondam senescall’ Normann’. Since we know from other sources that W. son of Ralph is William, it seems likely that the W. in both instances of the formula W. filius W. filli Radullfi would therefore be Willelmus. The doc. in which can. William appears can be dated 1184 × 1202 on the basis of the appearance of A[micus] treas. of Rouen. William the can. was the brother of Robert bp. of Worcester (1191-93), on whom see EEA XXXIV, pp. xxix-xxx and acta 36-44. On William son of Ralph the seneschal see Delisle-Berger, Actes, intro vol. pp. 481-83.”

Lisieux Cathedral

100Page 169. Begin the entry on Roger bp. of Lisieux with the following sentence: “Occ. in the “Translatio IIa S. Audoeni” in c.988 (Musset, ‘Un millénaire oublié’, pp. 563, 569).” In the last two lines, for “According to the Gallia (col. 766), Roger d. on 19 Oct.” read “His d. is given as 19 Oct. in the obit. of Lisieux cath. (Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, p. 247, citing BN, ms. n. a. lat. 1778, fo. 89v)”.

Page 169. In the entry on Herbert, lines 6 and 7, delete “1018 × 1023 but prob.”, and in line 9, for “1049” read “1027 × 1035, or more likely 1033 × 1034”. To the end of the penultimate sentence, add the following footnote: “R. Allen has called into question Herbert’s attendance at the council of Reims (Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, pp. 257-9).”

Page 169. In the entry on Hugh of Eu, add the following footnote to the end of sentence 3: “R. Allen has called into question the date (1049) traditionally given as the beginning of Hugh’s episcopate, and has argued instead for 1046 × 1047/8 (Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, pp. 257-9).”

101Page 170. In the entry on Hugh of Eu, first line on the page, after “(Orderic III 14-6)2” add “although the Lisieux cath. obit records his d. on 18 July (Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, p. 273, citing BN, ms. n. a. lat. 1778, fo. 66r)”. Also on line 1, for “was buried at” read “was buried on 25 July at”.

Page 170. To the entry on Gilbert Maminot, add: “He had a nephew called Rodulf (Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, p. 276 n. 6, citing BN, ms. lat. 54411, p. 199).” To the end of the entry add: “His d. is given as 20 Aug. in the obit of Lisieux cath. (Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, p. 284 n. 65, citing BN, ms. n. a. lat. 1778, fo. 74r).”

Page 170. In the entry on Fulcher, line 2, remove “possibly”, and in line 3, for “(Gallia 771)” read “(Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, p. 273 n. 66, citing BN, ms. n. a. lat. 1778, fo. 18v)”. To footnote 3, add: “See also EEA XXXI pp. lxviii-lxxii, 1-29; and Fasti IX 1.”

Page 170. To the refs. listed at the end of the entry on John, add: “BN, ms. n. a. lat. 1778, fo. 51r”. To the end of John’s entry, add: “It is possible that his dalle funéraire is to be found in the transept of Lisieux cath. (M. Baylé, ‘La lutte contre le dragon dans l’iconographie des saints en Normandie’, Les Saints dans la Normandie médiévale, eds. P. Bouet and F. Neveux (Caen, 2000), p. 178, with photo on p. 186).”

102Page 171. Recast the final sentence for the entry on Arnulf as: “Although the Lisieux cath. obit honors him on 29 August (BN, ms. n. a. lat. 1778, fo. 76r), Arnulf d. perhaps on 31 August 1184 (Schriber, Arnulf, p. 138), or more likely 30 Sept. 1182 (Letters of Arnulf, p. lx; cf. Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 111, n. 177).”

Page 171. To the entry on Ralph of Warneville, insert the following as new sentence 3: “Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 112 and n. 185, however, proposes that Lisieux was still vacant in March 1182, citing Henry II’s will (Delisle-Berger, Actes, no. DCXII) which fails to mention a bp. for the see of Lisieux at that time.” In line 4, for “He was still bp.-el. in 1182.” read “He was no longer called “elect” in 1183 (Cart Préaux, no. B63).” At the end of the entry add: “The Lisieux cath. obit records Ralph’s d. on 10 Sept. (BN, ms. n. a. lat. 1778, fo. 79r).”

Page 171. To the end of sentence 1 for the entry on William of Rupièrre, add: “Or even possibly as late as 1193 (Gallia 780)”. To the penultimate sentence of the same entry, add: “Peltzer, however, asserts 1200, citing Rot. Chart. 99a (Canon Law, p. 113)”. At the end of that same entry, add: “His father was Roger of Rupièrre (Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 112, n. 187, citing BN ms. lat. 1778, fo. 89v).”

Page 171. In line 3 of the entry on Jordan of Le Hommet, for “His first occ. as bp. is 10 Jan. 1202” read “His first occ. as bp. is ante 25 March 1201 (D. Power, ‘The Norman Church and the Angevin and Capetian Kings,’ Journal of Ecclesiastical History lvi (2005), p. 207, n. 9, citing H. Geraud, ‘Visite à la bibliothèque et aux archives d’Alençon’ BEC 1 (1839-40), pp. 537-8), and then on 10 Jan. 1202”. To the end of the entry on Jordan add: “Jordan was one of the principal founders of Mondaye Abbey (M. Thébault, ‘Le “premier cartulaire” de l’abbaye de Mondaye,’ Annales de Normandie LXI (2011), pp. 25-47, esp. at 27, 38, and 43).”

103Page 172. After the entry for William of Glanville, add the following new entry: “? Hugh. Possible dean of Lisieux since a certain “Hugh dean of L.” witnesses an accord between the monks of Troarn and Drogo the priest (cart. Troarn, fos. 185r-v). Hugh could be the dean for Lisieux cath., but against that the transcription for “Lisieux” is garbled, and it is rare for the deans of two different cathedrals (here Bayeux and Lisieux) to attest the same ch. The possibility exists, therefore, that Hugh is a rural dean.”

Page 172. In line 1 of the entry on Fulk, for “Said to be dean by 1142 (Gallia 809)” read “Dean by 1142 (Gallia 831)”.

104Page 173. In line 13 of the entry on John of Neaulfe, for “Robert of Torigni (II 130) incorrectly calls him an archdcn. of Lisieux, writing that” read “Robert of Torigni (II 130) calls him an archdcn. of Lisieux, incorrectly writing that”.

Page 173. In the entry on William add “of Pont-de-l’Arche” as his surname (Eure, chef-lieu de canton). To end of the penultimate sentence, add: “as well as a ch. of confirmation on behalf of the abbey of Préaux in 1202 × 06 (Cart. Préaux, no. B122)”. Recast the final sentence to read: “Although 1218 has been regarded as the traditional date for the elevation of William de Pont-de-l’Arche (Formeville, Lisieux II p. ccxii, Gallia 782), G. Combalbert has found a ch. of Roger archdcn. of Lisieux from 28 April 1220 which states that Lisieux is ‘sede vacante’ (cart. St.-Evroul, fo. 96v, no. 190).”

105Page 175. Under the entry on Robert of Arden, add the following footnote to the third sentence of paragraph 2: “Robert of Arden was prob. R. the archdcn. of Lisieux whose name was gratuitously expanded to R[alph] in Materials for Thomas Becket, R.S., 7, 471-2.” Add the following as the penultimate sentence to the entry: “He was fined at the Norman exchequer in 1180 (Pipe Rolls of Normandy, p. 76).”

106Page 176. Recast the final sentence of the penultimate paragraph on Hugh of Nonant to read: “Hugh helped to settle disputes involving the churches of Gacé (AN, L 902, no. 10a) and of Préaux (Cart. Préaux, no. B69).”

107Pages 177. Under the entry for Richard Barre, in line 8 of paragraph 2, for “(EEA VI no. 168)” read “(EEA VII no. 168)”. In line 9 of paragraph 2, to “(Fasti VIII 48” add “and EEA XXXIII no. 252)”. In line 12 of paragraph 2, to “EEA VIII no. 238” add “EEA XXXI, passim; and B. Kemp, ‘Archidiaconal and Vice-Archidiaconal Acta: Additions and Corrections’, Historical Research lxxx (2007) 5-7)”. To the end of paragraph 2, add: “He had a cleric named Mag. Erard (EEA, XXXIII nos. 218, 252).” In line 10 of paragraph 3, to “Müller no. 63, pp. 167-9” add “and no. 58, p. 162”.

108Page 178. To the end of the entry on Roger, add: “G. Combalbert has found a ch. of Roger’s dated 28 April 1220 (cart. St.-Evroul, fo. 96v, no. 190).”

Page 178. Delete the entry for John of Sées. This is John, archdcn. of the diocese of Sées, i.e., John, archdcn. of Eraines/Exmes, nephew of bp. Froger of Sées. Froger had previously been associated with the church of Lisieux, during which time it is possible he came into possession of this preb., which he then granted to his nephew, or to which his nephew perhaps thought he had claim following Froger’s d. in 1184/5 (the dispute arose during the pontificate of Clement III (1187-1191)).

109Page 179. For the entry on John of Alençon, after sentence 5, insert the following new sentence: “In April 1191 he attests several notifications of William bp. of Ely (Cal. Docs. France, no. 63 = EEA XXXI no. 155, and nos. 124, 128, 154).”

  • 23 I thank G. Combalbert for this ref.

110Page 181. To the end of the entry on Walter, add: “and in a ch. of bp. Arnulf, along with Fulk the dean, Norman and John the archdcns, thus 1141 × 61 (chartrier de Tournebu, ADC 33 F 2)”.23

Page 181. For the entry on Robert the Scholasticus, recast the final line to read: “dispute involving St.-Pierre, Préaux in 1157 × 59 (ADE, H 711, no. 38 = Cart. Préaux, no. B12).”

111Page 183. To the end of the entry on Mag. Walter, add: “and in Cart. Préaux, no. B82”.

112Page 184. To the list of canons, add: “Adam son of Thomas. Occ. in 1180, with his nephew Robert son of Faucon, conceding part of a tithe to the priory of Ste.-Barbe-en-Auge (Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, I, p. 95, no. 13)”.

113Page 187. Add a question mark in front of the name Hamo of Vignats, signifying that his refs. place him in the entourage of Bp. Froger of Sées but do not explicitly call him can.

114Page 188. In the first line of the entry for Mag. John Urselli, for “1182 × 91” read “1182 × 92”.

115Page 192. To the end of the entry on William son of Richard, add: “Possible attestor to a ch. of Robert of Neubourg the seneschal of Normandy in 1157 × 59, as ‘William of Angerville’ (Cart. Préaux, no. B14).”

Rouen Cathedral

116Page 195. To footnote 2, add: “There is a new edition of ‘The Acta Archiepiscoporum Rotomagensium: Study and Edition’ by Richard Allen, Tabularia (Documents), no. ix (2009), pp. 1-66, which is now preferred to PL CXLVII, col. 273-80.”

Page 195. In the entry for Hugh (son of Hugh), to the end of paragraph 1, add: “and is mentioned in the ‘Translatio IIa S. Audoeni’ in c.988 (Musset, ‘Un millénaire oublié’, pp. 563, 569)”.

117Page 196. Recast the last line in the entry of Robert (son of Richard I) to read: “GND II 98), of Rodulf of Gacé (GND II 232), and of William the spouse of Hawisa; Robert was also the brother of Emma, wife of King Aethelred (Orderic II 42). On Abp. Robert, see now R. Allen, ‘Praesul Praecipue, Atque Venerande: The Career of Robert, Archbishop of Rouen, 989-1037’, in Society and Culture in Medieval Rouen, 911-1300, eds. E. Brenner and L. Hicks (Turnhout, 2013), pp. 153-83.”

Page 196. To the end of the entry on Mauger, add: “On Abp. Mauger, see now R. Allen, ‘Avant Lanfranc: Un réexamen de la carrière de Mauger, archevêque de Rouen (1037-1054/55)’ forthcoming in Autour de Lanfranc (1010-2010). Réforme et réformateurs dans l’Europe du Nord-Ouest (XIe-XIIe siècles) (Actes du colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle, 29 septembre-2 octobre 2010), eds. V. Gazeau, J. Barrow and F. Delivré.”

118Page 197. Line 1 of the entry on John of Avranches should now read: “Also known as John of Ivry, John of St.-Philbert, and John of Bayeux…”. In line 2, for “the brother of Hugh” read “the half-brother of Hugh”.

Page 197. To footnote 4, add: “On John’s life and career, see now Allen, ‘John of Ivry’.”

119Page 198. To the end of footnote 8, add: “See also R. Freeburn, Hugh of Amiens and the Twelfth-Century Renaissance (Burlington, Vermont, 2011).”

Page 198. In lines 1-2 of the entry on Hugh of Amiens, for “Hugh was ­successively” read “Hugh was likely a can. at Thérouanne in 1112 (Freeburn, Hugh of Amiens, p. 7, citing Recueil des Chartes and Documents de Saint-Martin des Champs, ed. J. Depoin, 5 vols. (1912-21) I, pp. 222-3), and then successively”.

120Page 199. Before the first sentence on the page, add: “Hugh’s mother was Hecelina, who later became a nun at Marcigny-sur-Loire (R. Freeburn, Hugh of Amiens, p. 7, citing Le Cartulaire de Marcigny-sur-Loire (1045-1144), ed. J. Richard (1957), pp. 101-2).”

Page 199. Under the entry for Rotrou, in line 2, for “Rouen in 1165” read “Rouen in 1164 (Gallia 48-9) or 1165”. To the end of the entry, add: “In 1182 his household servants included Ernald de Cellario, Robert de Brunford, Robert Portarius, and Robert de Tilia (J. Vernier, Recueil de facsimiles de chartes normands (Rouen, 1919), plate VI and pp. 11-12 = ADSM, G 1089).”

121Page 200. To the end of the entry on Henry, add: “A seventeenth-cent. copy of the ch. of St.-Père of Chartres, which seems to have been taken from a lost original, records Henry as ‘presbiteri et canonici s. Mariae’ (Allen, ‘Praesul Praecipue’, II, Appendix, no. 2, pp. 173-76).”

Page 200. In line 6 of the entry for Rayner, for “before 1051” read “before 1054”. To the end of that entry, add: “On Rayner as abbot of Ste.-Catherine-du-Mont (a.k.a. La Trinité-du-Mont de Rouen) see Gazeau, Normannia Monastica 2, pp. 265-6, and on him as abbot of Tréport see ibid., 2, p. 364.”

Page 200. Add a new entry between Osbern and Robert, as follows: “Asceline. Witnesses a ch. of abp. John in 1071 as dean of the chapter (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III), and in c.1075 (Baluze ms. 77, no. 13).”

122Page 202. Sentence 4 in paragraph 2 of the entry for Robert of Neubourg should now read: “He replaced Geoffrey II as dean of Rouen by 5 June 1177 while retaining his archdcnry. (Glanville, St.-Lô, II, 325-26; Neustria Pia, p. 697), holding both positions in that same year (Chartes du Longueville, no. XIX; and cf. Carpenter, ‘Dignitaries of York’, pp. 30-4).”

123Page 203. Under the entry for John of Coutances, add the following to footnote 20: “John was still archdcn. of Oxford in early 1192 when he ran afoul of William of Longchamp bp. of Ely and chief justiciar (EEA XXXI nos. 168, 169).” To footnote 22 add: “On John’s career at Worcester see EEA XXXIV, pp. xxxi-iv and acta nos. 79-95”.

124Page 204. To the entry on Roger the Norman, after the first sentence, add: “J. Baldwin has proposed that it may have been Roger the Norman who, while in Paris, debated Peter the Chanter about the murder of Thomas Becket (J. W. Baldwin, ‘A Debate at Paris over Thomas Becket between Master Roger and Master Peter the Chanter’, Studia Gratiana xi (1967), pp. 119-32).”

125Page 205. To the end of footnote 32, add: “(= Corpus des Inscriptions, no. 240 and fig. 105)”.

126Page 206. For the entry on Guy, recast sentence 2 to read: “It is impossible to say to which Norman cath. chapter archdcn. Guy belongs for the land he grants (Boulleville) is in the diocese of Evreux while the monastery to which he grants it (St.-Pierre, Préaux) is in the diocese of Lisieux.”

127Page 208. For the entry on Gother, in line 1, for “no. 48) and his” read “no. 48), then in 1071 (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III), and his”.

Page 208. For the entry on Robert I, insert the following as sentence 2: “Occ. in 1071 as acrchdcn. of the Vexin (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III).” To the end of that entry, add: “Herimannus appears as his scribal assistant in a ch. of abp. John in 1071 (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III).”

Page 208. For the entry on Goslin II, line 1, for “occ. in 1075” read “occ. in 1071 (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III), then in 1075”.

128Page 209. Begin the entry on Ursel with: “First occ. on 29 Sept. 1078, or perhaps 29 Sept. 1068 (Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, II, Appendix G, no. 66*, pp. 696-697).”

  • 24 I thank Grégory Combalbert for this ref.

129Page 210. Between archdcns. Alfred and Richard II, add the following new entry: “William. Occ. in ch. of donation by William of Vernon for the abbey of Montebourg, part of the actum being effected in Rouen with abp. Geoffrey and archdcn. William as witnesses, hence 1111 × 28 (cart. Montebourg, p. 79, no. 184).”24

130Page 211. To the end of the entry on Geoffrey, add: “He was also a can. at St.-Lô of Rouen, until that house converted to regular cans. in 1142 × 44 (Glanville, St.-Lô, II, no. ii).”

131Page 214. In the last line of the entry on Reginald Buglarius, to “(Cal. Docs. France no. 281” add “and EEA XXXIV no. 134”.

132Page 216. For the entry on Walter of St.-Valery, insert the following as sentence 3 in paragraph 3: “He attested several notifications of William bp. of Ely in 1191 (EEA XXXI nos. 128, 154, 173).”

  • 25 I thank Richard Allen for this ref.

133Page 217. To the entry on Rener, add: “Identified as archdcn. of the Vexin (AN, LL 1170, pp. 16-8)25.”

134Page 219. To the end of the entry on Nicholas son of Benedict, add: “He was also a can. at St.-Lô of Rouen, until that house converted to regular cans. in 1142 × 44 (Glanville, St.-Lô, II, no. ii).”

135Page 220. To the sentence in line 6 which ends, “no. CXVI).” add the following footnote: “D. Carpenter, ‘Dignitaries of York’, p. 32, n. 73 redates this ch. from 1177 to Aug. 1177 × July 1183, in effect arguing for a longer tenure for Ralph of Warneville as treas. of Rouen, and a shorter tenure for Walter of Coutances. But all things considered, I believe 1177 is still the preferred date. The notification was drawn up when Jumièges was without its abbot: Gazeau, (Normannia Monastica, 2, pp. 162-3) confirms that the vacancy at Jumièges falls between 18 August 1176 and 21 March 1177 × 78. Also, one of the attestors to the ch. is William fitz Ralph who became seneschal of Normandy in 1177, here without his title, thus prob. earlier in 1177 than when he took office. I thank N. Vincent for sharing information on this ch. in advance of publication of his edition of Henry’s royal acta.”

136Pages 220-21. Between the entries on Stigand and Gerard, add the following: “John. Occ. in a ch. of abp. John in 1071 (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III).”

137Page 222. For the entry on Peter Boic, add to the end of sentence 1: “but the dating clause of this ch. is suspect (Carpenter, ‘Dignitaries of York’, p. 31)”. In line 2 for “in 1179” read “on 17 June 1179”.

Page 222. At the end of footnote 62, for “CLXXXV” read “CLXXV”, then add: “The list of witnesses works better for 1177. For a discussion of the dating issues see Carpenter, ‘Dignitaries of York’, pp. 30-2.”

138Page 224. After the entry for Mag. Gislebert, add the names Helbert and Evald. They are explicitly identified as cancellarii mei in a ch. of abp. William Bona Anima, dated therefore 1079 × 1110 but prob. to c.1105 × 1110 if among the witnesses the name “Wraldus” abbot of Coulombs is a variant reading for “Thoroldus” who was abbot from c.1105 to 1115. (Bauduin, Première Normandie, Appendix II, no. 4 = Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, Appendix G, no. 67, pp. 698-99). Given the fact that the ch. is a late copy, with some orthographical concerns, it is possible that Helbert is the same person as Wibert the canon.

  • 26 I thank R. Allen for calling my attention to this doc., and for providing a copy of (...)

Page 224. To the entry on Laurence, add the following as a new third sentence: “Occ. as archiscolae on 22 June 1148 (Library of the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury Cathedral, Muniments, Press IV, C 3, Potterne/20)26.”

139Page 226. To the end of the entry on Rosceline the subchanter, add: “Owned a house in Rouen near Rue St.-Denis (ADSM, G 4278).”

Page 226. Add the following footnote to the explanatory text on the position of the Official: “See now G. Combalbert, ‘Émergence et affirmation d’une institution: le premier siècle de l’officialité de Rouen (v.1185-v.1280)’, in Les officialités dans l’Europe médiévale et moderne. Des tribunaux pour une société chrétienne, eds. V. Beaulande-Barraud and M. Charrageat (Turnhout, 2014), pp. 1-29”.

Page 226. To the list of Officials, add: “Mag. Eustace. Occ. as Official of abp. Walter, hence 1185 × 1207 (Combalbert, ‘Émergence et affirmation’, p. 7., citing ADSM 52 H 78 and cart. Boscherville, fos. 97r-v). Also a can. at Rouen by 1201. Almost certainly the same person as Mag. Eustace the notarius.”

140Page 230. To the entry on Simon, add: “He was involved in act of violence against the church of St.-Cande le Vieux ante 28 May 1198 (Reg. Innoc. III, vol. i, no. 209).”

141Page 232. Under the entry for Ralph of Coutances, in line 1, for “Lincoln in 1183” read “Lincoln in 1182 × 83 (Kemp, EAA. no. 183), and in 1183”. To the end of the entry, add: “though there is an anomalous ref. to him as can. in 1200 (cart. Graville, fo. 109r)”.

142Page 235. To the end of the entry on Walter of St.-Valery, add: “Was archdcn. by 1175.”

143Page 236. Eliminate the entry on Asceline as he has been relocated to the list of deans of the Rouen cath. chapter.

144Page 237. Between the entries on Bartholomew Crassus and Benedict, add: “Benedict I. Occ. as acolyte in a ch. of abp. John in 1071 (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III).”

Page 237. Benedict the can. who first occ. in 1179 now becomes Benedict II.

Page 237. Between the entries on Berard and Bertran of Bailleul, add: “Bernard. Occ. as dcn. in a ch. of abp. John in 1071 (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III).”

145Page 238. To the entry on Drogo of Trubleville II, add: “In 1224 × 34 he received from King Henry III lands in Hampshire which had formerly belonged to the abp. of Rouen (P. Dryburgh, et al., eds., Calendar of the Fine Rolls of the Reign of Henry III [9 to 8] Henry III (2008), no. 372).”

Page 238. To footnote 104, add: “For photos see Corpus des Inscriptions, figs. 134-8.” To footnote 106, add: “For photos see Corpus des Inscriptions, figs. 117-8.”

146Page 239. Under the entry for Mag. Eustace, in sentence 1, for “Cal. Docs. France no. 63)” read “Cal. Docs. France no. 63 = EEA XXXI no. 155, but cf. p. cxxi where this Eustace might have been in the household of the bp. of Ely)”.

147Page 240. Change the final sentence of the entry on Mag. Eustace (continued from page 239) to read: “Eustace appears to have served bp. John (of Coutances) at Worcester in 1196 × 98 (Cart. Oseney V no. 515b = EEA XXXIV no. 87).”

Page 240. Between the entries on Florence and Garin, add: “Fulbert. Occ. as subdcn. in a ch. of abp. John in 1071 (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III).”

148Page 242. To the entry on Godbert, add: “Also appears as sacerdos in a ch. of abp. John in 1071 (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III).”

Page 242. To the end of the entry on Geoffrey, add: “He was also a can. at St.-Lô of Rouen, until that house converted to regular cans. in 1142 × 44 (Glanville, St.-Lô, II, no. ii).”

149Page 244. In the first line of the second paragraph on Mag. Herbert of Andely, for “True Cross” read “crusade”.

150Page 246. Between the entries on Hugh of Villers and Ivo, add: “Hunfrid. Occ. as sacerdos in a ch. of abp. John in 1071 (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III).”

Page 246. In the entry on Ivo, line 1, for “witnesses chs. on 15 April 1149” read “witnesses chs. on 22 June 1148, as mag., (Library of the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury Cathedral, Muniments, Press IV, C 3, Potterne/20), on 15 April 1149”.

Page 246. Under the entry on Jeremy II, line 2, for “by 1171” read “by 1177 (See Carpenter, ‘Dignitaries of York’, pp. 21-37 for full discussion of the chronological complexities involved.)”. In line 3, for “1171 × 75” read “1162 × 77”.

151Page 247. In the second paragraph of the entry on Mag. John of Cornwall, to the string of refs. at the end of line 3, add: “and cf. EEA XXXIV no. 87”.

152Page 249. To the entry on Landric, add: “Occ. as sacerdos in a ch. of abp. John in 1071 (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III).”

Page 249. To the entry on Malveisin, add: “Cf. William Malveisin who appears on a ch. of William bp. of Ely in 1191, along with at least one other Rouen clergyman (EEA XXXI no. 154).”

153Page 250. Between the entries for Nicholas of Malpalu and Odo of Coutances, add: “? Odo. Occ. in a ch. of abp. John in 1071 as Eudo decanus, perhaps a rural dean, or perhaps a scribal error for diaconus (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III).”

154Page 251. To footnote 131, add: “And R. W. Southern, ‘Peter of Blois’, ODNB.”

155Page 253. Under the entry for Mag. Ralph of Coutances, insert the following after sentence 1: “Ordained acolyte ante 1200 at which time he sought papal support for his benefice (ADSM, G 1123).” To the end of the penultimate sentence, add: “though possibly as early as 1200 (cart. Graville, fo. 109r)”.

Page 253. Between the entries for Ralph of Coutances and Ralph of Richespald, add: “Ralph de Monte Desiderii. Occ. on 22 June 1148 in a ch. of abp. Hugh (Library of the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury Cathedral, Muniments, Press IV, C 3, Potterne/20).”

156Page 255. Begin the entry on Richard I with: “Occ. as subdcn. in a ch. of abp. John in 1071, along with a second subdcn. named Richard (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III).”

157Page 256. To the end of the entry on Richard Grim, add: “He was in the household of John of Coutances, bp. of Worcester, in 1196 × 98 (EEA XXXIV nos. 87, 92).”

Page 256. To the end of the entry on Richard Hayr, add: “On Richard’s later career at Rouen, which lasts until at least 1232, see J. Peltzer, ‘The Slow Death of the Angevin Empire’, Historical Research lxxxi (2008), pp. 553-84, esp. at pp. 561, 570, 581-2.”

158Page 257. To the entry on Richard son of William add: “Occ. as early as 1091 (Regesta II no. 317b, p. 400).”

Page 257. For the entry on Robert I, delete the question mark. In line 1, for “11-12) and” read “11-12), appears as dcn. in a ch. of abp. John in 1071 (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III)”, and”.

  • 27 I thank G. Combalbert for these refs.

159Page 259. Before the entry on Robert of Foucarmont, add a new entry as follows: “Mag. Robert of Essai. (Essai, dép. Orne, cant. Le Mêle-sur-Sarthe). Was can. at the end of the 12th century. He held land at St.-Céneri-près-Sées which was given to St.-Martin at Sées (ADO H 938, no. 317). He was Official in 1207 or 1209 (Combalbert, ‘Émergence et affirmation’, p. 7).”27

Page 259. Under the entry on Robert Magnus, line 4, for “subchanter (C.T. Clay” read “subchanter, in which case he d. on 27 Sept. 1177 (C.T. Clay”.

160Pages 259-60. Between the entries on Robert Osmundi and Robert son of Richard, add: “Robert Pullo. Occ. as can. in Feb. 1207 (Cart. Préaux, no. B128). It is prob. he who is abp. of Rouen 1208-1221 (Tabbagh, Fasti, pp. 79-80). He was described in a medieval chronicle as a man “qui tunc erat omnium ecclesiae canonicorum pauperimus, sed vir bonus et simplex” (Gallia, 59).”

161Page 262. Between the entries on Rotrou and Simon, add: “Seric. Occ. as dcn. in a ch. of abp. John in 1071 (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III).”

Page 262. After the entry on Simon, add: “Son of the Count of the Perche. A certain ‘filius comitis P[er]t[ice]’, along with 15 other Rouen canons, was assessed funds to pay for the chapter house in 1175 × 81. (ADSM, G 4055 = Cal. Docs. France no. 11B). K. Thompson identifies him as Stephen of the Perche, son of Rotrou count of Mortagne (d.1144), and a kinsman of abp. Rotrou. (Power and Border Lordship in Medieval France: The county of the Perche, 1000-1226 (Woodbridge, 2002), p. 94; and idem, ‘Family Tradition and the Crusading Impulse: The Rotrou Counts of the Perche’, Medieval Prosopography xix (1998), pp. 17-8). This Stephen journeyed to Sicily where he became chancellor of the island, and was even elected abp. of Palermo (cf. Hugo Falcundus, The History of the Tyrants of Sicily, tr. G. Loud and T. Wiedemann (Manchester, 1998), pp. 159-62). But since Stephen d. at Acre in 1168, it cannot be he who was the can. still being assessed by the Rouen chapter in 1175 × 81. It is possible, however, that this person is Geoffrey nephew of abp. Rotrou, prob. can. in 1165 × 70 (q.v.). But lacking a proper name, the identification must remain open.”

162Page 263. Under the entry on Walchelin, to the end of sentence 2, add: “unless he is the same person as Waldelin, below”.

Page 263. Between the entries on Walchelin and Walderic, add: “Waldelin. Occ. as sacerdos in a ch. of abp. John in 1071 (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III).”

163Page 264. Between the entires on Waleran of Meulan and Walter son of Adelelm, add: “Walter. Occ. as acolyte in a ch. of abp. John in 1071 (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III).”

164Page 265. For the entry on William, insert the following as the first sentence: “Occ. as acolyte in a ch. of abp. John in 1071 (Allen, ‘John of Ivry’, Appendix III).”

165Page 268. Under the entry of William of Verdun, in line 1 of the second paragraph, for “became” read “was in the household of John of Coutances, bp. of Worcester, in 1196 × 98 (EEA XXXIV nos. 81, 83, 86, 87, 93) before becoming”.

Sées Cathedral

166Page 271. To the end of sentence 2 in the entry on Sigefrid, add: “but dated 1017 × c.1022 in Bulst, Wilhelms von Dijon, pp. 223-36)”.

167Page 272. To the end of the entry on Ivo of Bellême, add: “Ivo sometimes attended the court of the King of France (Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, pp. 419-22).”

  • 28 I thank Richard Allen for this ref., and indeed for most of the recent information on the (...)

Page 272. To the entry on Robert of Ryes, add: “He is commem. in the obituary of St.-Martin de Sées on 23 Feb. (VII [kal. Mar.] Obiit Robertus Sagiensis episcopus, ADO, 31 J 76/3, p. 25).28

Page 272. To the entry on Gerard I, add: “He is identified as the son of Roger the lay brother in the obituary of St.-Martin de Sées, where his name is recorded on 25 Jan. (VIII [kal. Feb.] Obiit Gerardus episcopus Sagiensis filius Rogerii conversi (ADO, 31 J 76/3, p. 24).”

168Page 273. Under the entry on John son of Harduin, in line 1 delete the word “ostensible”, and to the penultimate sentence, add: “and by coincidence bp. John is referred to on that same day in the dedicatory inscription at St.-André-en-Gouffern (Corpus des Inscriptions, no. 27)”. To footnote 8, add: “For Harduin’s association with the land of Neuville, see Clercs au service de la Réforme, p. 44 and n. 24).”

169Page 274. In the entry on Gerard II, to the penultimate sentence of the first paragraph, add the following note: “The date 23 Jan. most likely refers to Gerard I. A lost obit of the priory of Noyon-sur-Andelle recorded the d. of a Gerard, bp. of Sées, on 14 Apr. This might be Gerard I, but is most likely Gerard II. See Allen, ‘Norman Episcopate’, I, p. 434 n. 18.”

  • 29 I thank Christopher Brooke for calling these refs. to my attention. Brooke hypo (...)

Page 274. In the entry for bp. Froger, line 3, delete the phrase “and archdcn. of Sées”. Insert the following as a new sentence 2: “He is prob. to be identified with Froger of Lisieux who witnesses a ch. in 1145 × 48 of abp. Theobald of Canterbury, and as Froger archdcn. of Derby in a Theobald act of 1149 × 53 (Fasti XI 38; A. Saltman, Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury (1959), no. 177, and cf. no. 145 = EEA, Canterbury, 1136-61, ed. M. Brett (forthcoming), nos. 18 and 201).29

Also on Froger, add: “Appears to have had some connection with the Premonstratensian abbey of Cappenberg (G. Niemeyer et al., eds, Die Viten Gottfrieds von Cappenberg, (Hannover, 2005), pp. 66-67, 163), where he was perhaps required to make his canonical profession as bp. (J.-F. Petit, ‘Professions canoniales d’évêques au XIIe siècle’, Analecta Praemonstratensia, xxxvii (1961), p. 237)’.”

Change “Froger d. in 1185 (RT II 130)” to “Froger d. in either 1184 (Le Prévost, ed., Orderici Vitalis vol. 5 (1855) p. 163, or in 1185 (RT II 130).” Add: ‘He is commem. in the necrology of Silly on 5 Sept. (E. Brouette, ‘Notes extraites de l’obituaire de Silly’, Analecta Praemonstratensia, lxvi (1980), p. 233), in that of Prémontré on 7 September (R. Van Waefelghem, ed., L’obituaire de l’abbaye de Prémontré, (Louvain, 1913), p. 174), and in those of various other Premonstratensian or Cistercian houses on 12 September (e.g., Gallia 690). He appears in the obituary of Saint-Victor de Paris on the same date, where he is remembered as a ‘special friend’ (specialis amicus) of the abbey (A. Molinier, Obituaires de la province de Sens, vol. 1, 1st part, (1902) pp. 584-585).”

Page 274. In the first line of the entry on Lisiard, for “Previously prepositus” read “Previously a can. of Le Mans cath. (Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 123, esp. n. 244). Delete that Lisiard was previously prepositus of St. Pierre de Aila for the Lisiard mentioned in this act is Lisiard, bp. of Soissons (1108-ca. 1126). See Ramackers, Papsturkunden in Frankreich, Picardie, p. 207. Replace “El. in 1188 (Houedene II 337)” with “El. in either 1187 (R. Lottin, ed., Chartularium insignis ecclesiae Cenomannensis quod dicitur Liber albus capituli, (Le Mans, 1869, no. CCCCLXVIII), or 1188 (Houedene II 337)”. Change “He had a nephew named Geoffrey (ADC, H 6551 o) and” to “He had nephews named Geoffrey (ADC, H 6551 o) and Guy, the latter of whom was granted land by the abbot of St.-Martin in 1213 (cart. St.-Martin, fo. 158v (138v)), and”.

170Page 275. To the end of the entry on bp. Sylvester, add: “He was the cousin (consanguineus) of John de Perron (prob. Le Grand Perron, Orne, cant. Sées, com. Aunou-sur-Orne) (cart. St.-Martin, fo. 28 (21)).”

Page 275. To footnote 10, add: “For a full discussion of this disputed election see Peltzer, Canon Law, pp. 124-33.”

Page 275. To the end of the entry on Norman, add: “He was later archdcn. (q.v.).”

Page 275. To the end of the entry on Garin, add: “Garin is remembered in the obituary of Saint-Victor on 7 April (Molinier, Obituaires de la province de Sens, vol. 1, 1st part, p. 551), where he is said to have been a can. of the abbey, whence, probably, the reference in Gallia.”

Page 275. For the entry on Henry de Alneto, delete “de Alneto.” For “Two docs. show Henry as both prior and archdcn.” read “Three docs. show Henry as both prior and archdcn.”, adding the ref. ADC, 1 J 117, fo. 13v (cart. of Saint-Vigor de Perrières). Delete the sentence “The only time he appears with his name, de Alneto, is as archdcn. (ADC, H 6550).” Add the sentence: “Arnulf of Lisieux wrote to the pope c.1161 (Letters of Arnulf ep. 35) to complain that Froger had replaced the prior, presumably Henry, with an ‘idiot’ (idiota), presumably John.”

171Page 276. To the entry on John, note that the Letters of Arnulf ep. 35 implies a starting date for John of c.1161. In line 5 of the entry, for “1159 × 85” read “1160/1 × 1184/5”.

Page 276. In the entry on William, lines 4-5, to the dates of William’s successor, John, add: “and also in July 1212 (cart. St.-Martin, fos. 158r-v).”

  • 30 See now the important study by R. Allen, “Mémoire et diplomatique: l’édition des actes de (...)

Page 276. In the paragraph on the archdeaconries, replace the sentence that begins, “Later those archdeaconries were known as…” with, “Later those archdeaconries were known as Sées, Exmes, Houlme, Bellême and Corbon (P. Desportes, et al., Fasti ecclesiae gallicanae… Tome IX, Diocèse de Sées, 1200-1547 (Turnhout, 2005), pp. 3-5).” Replace the sentence that beings, “But during the Ducal Period…” with, “But during the Ducal Period the system fluctuated. The archdeaconry of Exmes, for example, seems to have originally taken its name from the village of Eraines, to the northeast of Falaise, and we have references throughout this period to the archdeacons of this circumscription as being both archdeacon of Eraines and archdeacon of Exmes (those who can be identified with this post will be referred to below as ‘archdcns. of Eraines/Exmes’). Similarly, the archdeaconry of Corbon seems to have been referred to in the 11th century as that of Mortagne. The fact that the archdeaconry of Sées shares its name with that of the diocese itself poses a number of problems when trying to identify the archdeacons of this circumscription, since scribes often used Sagiensis to denote the diocese rather than the archdeaconry, especially when only one archdeacon witnessed an act.”30

Page 276. To footnote 14, add: “This act is dated 1041 × 1068 in O. Guillot, Le comte d’Anjou et son entourage au XIe siècle, 2 vols. (Paris, 1972), II, C 268, p. 178.”

172Page 277. In the entry on Roger of Mortain, replace “Mortain” with “Mortagne”. Change footnote 15 to read “Mortagne-au-Perche: Orne, chef-lieu de cant.”.

Page 277. In the entry on Odo, “(ibid. no. 5)” and “(BN, ms. lat. 54412, pp. 293-4)” are in fact the same doc.

Page 277. In the entry on Norman, add: “Was previously dean (q.v.).” Change “in three undated chs. of bp. Ivo” to “in three undated chs. with bp. Ivo”.

Page 277. In the entry on Godfrey, for “in 1097” read “on 17 April 1097”, and for “ADO, H 938” read “ADO, H 938, no. 15”.

173Page 278. In the sixth line of the entry on John I, to “blessed John as bp.” add “of Lisieux”.

Page 278. To footnote 16, add the following sentence: “It should be noted that John I, John son of Harduin, and Arnulf were all archdeacons in the diocese of Sées, but not necessarily of the archdeaconry of Sées.”

Page 278. To the entry on William I, add that William also occ. as archdcn. of Exmes (AN, S 2238, no. 35). In line 7, for “RHGF XXIII” read “RHGF XV”. The 25 Dec. 1155 ref. in line 10 could be to William I or William II (q.v., below). Thus, add as the penultimate sentence: “William I’s final known occ. is April 1155 (ADO, 31 J 65/1, fo. 288).”

Page 278. For the entry on Fulk II, it is worth noting that since he was involved in a dispute over the jurisdiction of a church of Bellême, he was likely archdcn. of Bellême.

Page 278. To the entry on John son of Harduin, add “First occ. as archdcn. datable to a single year is in 1109, where he is referred to as the nephew (nepos) of Robert de Neuville (Noveville), who was the brother both of Harduin and of John, archdcn., later bp. of Lisieux (cart. St.-Martin, fo. 93).”

174Page 279. In the first sentence of the second paragraph of the entry on Arnulf, replace “1127” with “1128 (new style)”, and “(BN, ms. lat. 54412, pp. 337-8 = Barret, Marmoutier no. 25, where, however, Arnulf’s name is omitted)” with “ADO, H 2159”.

Page 279. In the entry on Haimer, add “Haimer is explicitly called archdcn. of Bellême”. Replace “1127” with “1128 (new style)” and “(BN, ms. lat. 54412, pp. 337-8 = Barret, Marmoutier no. 25)” with “ADO, H 2159”.

Page 279. In the entry on Henry de Alneto, delete the toponym “de Alneto”. For “In two instances he was called both archdcn. and prior of Sées” to “In three instances he was called both archdcn. and prior of Sées”, adding the reference “ADC, 1 J 117, fo. 13v (cartulary of Saint-Vigor de Perrières).” Delete the penultimate sentence, “His final appearance … narrow the dating range).”

175Page 280. To the entry on entry on Hugh III, add: “Hugh was most likely archdcn. of Corbon. He appears in a ch. alongside the archdcns. Henry of Houlme, Roger of Sées, and William of Eraines/Exmes at a time when Haimer is known to have been archdcn. of Bellême (ADC, 1 J 117, fo. 13v).”

Page 280. After the entry on Hugh III, add the following new archdcn.: William II. Appears as archdcn. of Corbon in two chs. of bp. Gerard II, both dated 1155 × 1157 (BN, ms. lat. 12681, fo. 209; ADC, 2 H 164).

Page 280. After the entry on William II, add the following new entry: Henry de Alneto. Occ. once, explicitly as archdcn. of Sées, alongside John, archdcn. of Eraines/Exmes in a ch. of bp. Froger dated 1170 × 84/5 (ADC, H 6550, where the presence of Rouen archdcn. Ivo of Vieux-Pont helps narrow the dating range).

Page 280. For the entry on Sylvester, replace “Occ. in an undated doc. … ADE, H 70)” with “First occ. datable to a single year is in 1186 (cart. St.-Martin, fo. 51v), although he was active under bp. Froger (cart. St.-Martin, fos. 92r-v). He appears in a confirmation of bp. Lisiard for Bec dated 1187/8 × 94, where he is explicitly identified as archdcn. of Sées (ADE, H 70)”. To the end of the entry on Sylvester, add: “Said to be the nepos of bp. Froger (Gallia 691; see also Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 127, n. 260).”

Page 280. Combine the materials for John II and John III into the following single entry: John II. Nephew of bp. Froger (ADC, H 6550), his first occ. to a single year is in 1163 (cart. St.-Wandrille, fo. 277v). He is often referred to as archdcn. of Exmes (ADC, 2 H 153/1; Cart. de la Trappe, no. 38, pp. 248-9; Vernier, Jumièges, I, no. LXXXII, pp. 205-207; ADC, 2 H 159; ADC, H 6550; ADC, 2 D 107), but also appears as archdcn. of Eraines (ADC, 2 D 66; cart. Troarn, fos. 178r, 182r-83v, 202v-203r), the designation remaining interchangeable during this period (see, for example, the accounts of two assizes held in his presence in August 1190, where he is called both ‘archdcn. of Exmes’ [Haskins, Norman Institutions, p. 336] and ‘archdcn. of Eraines’ [Haskins, ibid., p. 335]). John II was in league with Sylvester the treas. of Lisieux against bp. Arnulf of Lisieux (Letters of Arnulf, epp. 33, 35). He acted as a royal messenger in Nov. 1169 during the Becket controversy (Corresp. of Becket, ep. 243; JS Epp. ep. 298; Materials for Thomas Becket VII, no. DCXXVI). Witnesses ch. of Ralph Foliot archdcn. of Hereford, England (Kemp, ‘Additions and Corrections’, p. 8, dated by ed. to c.1185 × 1199) where Ralph adjusts payments owed by him to the nuns of Almenêches, which convent was in the diocese of Sées. His final occ. datable to a single year is Aug. 1190 (see above). The numerous mentions among the chs. of bp. Froger to an archdcn. John, without archdcnry., or to a John, archdcn. of Sées, when no other archdcn. is named (e.g. Westminster Abbey Charters, 1066-c.1214, ed. E Mason (1988), no. 365), should most probably be understood to be a ref. to John II.

Page 280. Delete Froger as archdcn. of Sées. I thank J. Peltzer for alerting me to the likelihood that the sole ref. to Froger as archdcn. of Sées is the 1159 ch. in which Delisle and Berger (Actes, no. CXXIV) make the false assumption that Froger the archdcn. must be of Sées when in reality there is no evidence to assume other than that he was archdcn. of Derby (diocese of Coventry). Interestingly, Round (Cal. Docs. France, no. 1156) in editing this same ch. avoids the error. Indeed, all other refs. to Froger as archdcn. (e.g., Delisle-Berger, Actes, no. CXXIII) would be to him as archdcn. of Derby. Froger was, however, bp. of Sées (q.v.). The final two sentences of the entry on Froger as archdcn. remain valid and could therefore be relocated to the entry for Froger as bp. of Sées on p. 274.

Page 280. In the entry on Herbert, change “archdcn. of Corbonnais” to “archdcn. of Corbon”.

Page 280. Under the entry for John III, in line 4, for “fo. 152r). All refs.” read “fo. 152r,) including one instance where John adjudged a dispute involving Ste-Barbe-en-Auge (Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, I, p. 104, no. 79). All refs.”

Page 280. Add the following entry after Herbert: Hugh IV. Occ. once as archdcn. of Exmes in a ch. of bp. Lisiard, dated 1190 × 1201 (ADC, H 6510, fos. 36v-37, no. 141).

176Page 281. In the entry on William II, change “William II” to “William III”.

Page 281. Add the following new entry after the record for William III: John. Occ. once in the exchequer rolls of 1194/5 as archdcn. of Houlme (Mag. Rot. I 228). He is perhaps the archdcn. J. mentioned in a charter of 1199 (Cart. Le Mans, no. 130).

Page 281. Delete the current entry on Hubert and replace it with the following: Was archdcn. of Eraines/Exmes. Witnesses three chs. of bp. Lisiard (ADC, H 6510, fos. 37v-38, no. 145; ADC, H 6551 b, o) and one of William, chaplain of Bailleul (ADC, H 4050), none of which can be precisely dated, though they must be after Aug. 1190 (last dated ref. to John, archdcn. Eraines/Exmes) and after death of Hugh IV, since Hubert appears in various documents of the 13th cent. He occ. once as archdcn. of Exmes and once as archdcn. of Eraines in the patent rolls of 1202 (Rot. Litt. Pat., pp. 7/b, 9/a). He served as a papal judge delegate in c.1208 (Müller nos. 178-9, pp. 316-18, as archdcn. of Eraines). Hubert archdcn. of Eraines is most likely to be identified with Hubert, archdcn. of “Airaines/Harenis”, who served as royal proctor in Rome in 1216 (N. Vincent, The Letters and Charters of Cardinal Guala Bicchieri (Woodbridge, 1996), nos. 40 and 165, and cf., p. 160 where the ed. incorrectly proposes for Hubert’s diocese not “Sées” but “Somme”).

Page 281. Delete the current entry on John Baristart and replace it with the following: John Baristart (also Baristaut and Baritaut). His el. must have taken place after 14 April 1190, when he appears as a pr. among the witnesses of a ch. of bp. Lisiard (ADC, 2 H 159), and 7 May 1191, his first occ. datable to a single year as archdcn. (ADS, H 928). He appears as John Baristart, archdcn. of Sées, in an undated ch. of bp. Lisiard for Villers-Canivet (ADC, 2 H 159), but the ref. is undoubtedly to the diocese rather than the archdcnry., since we know that Sylvester was archdcn. of Sées from 1186 to 1202. John should perhaps be identified, therefore, with John, archdcn. of Bellême, who appears among the witnesses of a ch. of bp. Lisiard for Saint-André-en-Gouffern (ADC, H 6551 n). A certain J., archdcn. of Bellême, was a correspondent of Adam, abbot of Perseigne (1188-1221) (J. Bouvet, ed., Correspondance d’Adam, abbé de Perseigne (1188-1221), (Le Mans, 1951-1962), no. 29, pp. 197-205).

Page 281. In the entry on William III, change “William III” to “William IV”, and “archdcn. of Corbonnais” to “archdcn. of Corbon”. Add, “His last occ. dates to 25 July 1207 (cart. St.-Martin, fo. 148).”

177Page 282. In the entry on Raginald, change “Occ. as chanter in 1092’ to ‘Occ. as chanter in 1089 (cart. St.-Martin, fos. 22v-23), in 1092…”.

Page 282. In the entry on Richard. Change “Occ. only in 1153” to “Occ. in 1145 (ADC, 1 J 117, fo. 11v) and in 1153…”.

178Page 283. In the entry on Warin, for “chs. of bp. Ivo” read “chs. with bp. Ivo”.

Page 283. To the entry on Geoffrey, add “Also a cleric (q.v.).”

Page 283. Add the following entry after Remundus: Thomas de Saint-Paul. Occ. once as notarius in a ch. of bp. Froger dated 1160/1 × 1184/5 (cart. St.-Evroul, fo. 124, no. 256). Also a cleric (q.v.).

Page 283. Add the following entry before Durand: Adam. Occ. once as chapl. in 1170 (Bry, Perche, p. 199).

179Page 284. Add the following entry after Hugh II: Mag. Jordan. Occ. once as chapl. of the bp. (capellanus episcopi) in a ch. of bp. John, hence 1124 × 43 (AN, S 2238, no. 35).

Page 284. In the entry on Osbert, replace “Occ. only once in a ch. of bp. Froger…” with “Occ. twice as chapl. on 27 May 1165 (BN, ms. lat. 12681, fo. 209v) and in 1170 (Bry, Perche, p. 199).”

Page 284. Add the following entry after Osbert: Peter. Occ. once as chapl. on 27 May 1165 (BN, ms. lat. 12681, fo. 209v).

  • 31 Eure, chef-lieu de cant.

Page 284. Add the following entry after William: William of Pont-Audemer.31 Occ. once as chaplain in a ch. of Gerard II dated 1155 × 1157 (BN, ms. lat. 12681, fo. 209).

Page 284. Delete the entry on Anfred. He was most likely associated with the abbey of Saint-Wandrille. In the ch. of bp. Gerard II he appears in the witness list between Ralph, prior of the abbey, and Ralph the monk, while in the ch. of bp. Froger, although he appears in the witness list after John, prior of Sées, the expression “et universo conventu” most probably applies to that of Saint-Wandrille, rather than the chapter of Sées.

Page 284. Add the following entry before Fulk: Aimarius. Occ. once as cleric of bp. Lisiard (clericus noster) (ADSM, 16 H 373), hence 1187/8 × 1201. No doubt the same as Mag. Aimarius, prob. canon.

180Page 285. Add the following entry after Herbert: John. Occ. once as cleric of bp. Lisiard (clericus noster) (ADSM, 16 H 373), hence 1187/8 × 1201.

Page 285. Add the following entry before Oliver: Odo of Orgères. Occ. as cleric of bp. Froger in 1174 (ADC, H 6550). Occ. also as prob. can. (q.v.).

Page 285. In the entry on Osbert de Can-, change “Can-” to “Canon” (Mézidon-Canon, Calvados, chef-lieu de cant.).

Page 285. Delete the “?” from the entry on Peter of Coutances. For “fo. 18r-v” read “fo. 181r-v”.

Page 285. In the entry on Ralph of Ménilglaise, change “of Ménilglaise” to “de Mesnilgerberto” (the name is abbreviated as Mesnilg’b’ in the original docs.).

Page 285. In footnote 22, for “Calvados, cant. St.-Sever”, read “Le Grand Clinchamps, Orne, cant. Bellême, com. Chemilli)”.

181Page 286. Add the following entry before Simon: Robert of Jort (Calvados, cant. Morteaux-Coulibœuf). Occ. once as cleric of bp. Froger (ADC, 2 D 66), hence 1159 × 85. Was a prob. can. (q.v.).

Page 286. To the entry on Simon, add: “He also occ. as deacon and cleric of the archdeacon (clericus archidiaconi) in 1145 (ADO, H 2160).”

  • 32 Orne, cant. Nocé.

Page 286. In the entry on Alberic change “Occ. in 1145 as pr. of St. Cirici” to “Occ. in 1145 as pr. of Saint-Cyr (that is, Saint-Cyr-la-Rosière32)”.

Page 286. Delete the entry on Andreas. He is most probably a can. of the abbey of St.-Jean de Falaise, next to whose abbot he appears in the witness list.

182Page 287. Delete the entry Engelrand [Oysum?]. The Engerondus Sanson who appears in ADC, H 6551 o, as well as in two other charters of bp. Lisiard (ADC, H 6510, fo. 38, no. 147; BN, ms. lat. 11060, fo. 53r-v), is most probably a lay member of the Sanson family, who, according to the cartulary of St.-Martin of Sees, were lords of Ouézy (Oseio) (Calvados, cant. Bourguébus) in 1187 (cart. St.-Martin, fo. 76v (66v)).

Page 287. Insert the following as the first sentence to the entry on Froger: “­Possibly a can. as early as 1183 (Peltzer, Canon Law, p. 123, n. 238, citing ADC, H 6510, fo. 43v).” To the end of that entry add: “Froger was prob. a kinsman of bp. Froger.”

Page 287. After the entry on Mag. Garin of Coutances add the following: Garin Monk (monachus). Appears in a ch. with bp. Gerard II dated c.1154 where he is specifically identified as a secular canon (Clercs au Service de la Réforme, p. 329).

Page 287. For the entry on Garin of Subligny, change “Subligny” to “Soulangy” Footnote 29 would therefore read: “Calvados, cant. Falaise-Nord.”

183Page 288. In the entry on Garin de Villa Duffusa change “in a ch. of” to “in a ch. with” and “hence 1144 × 57” to “dated c.1154” and add “in which he is specifically identified as a regular canon”.

Page 288. In the entry on ? Mag. Geoffrey de Lainanai change “Lainanai” to “Lamanai”, that is Lamnay, Sarthe, cant. Montmirail.

Page 288. In the entry on Gervaise de St.-Macheto change “Macheto” to “Marleto”.

Page 288. In the entry on Gilbert de St.-Macheto change “Macheto” to “Marleto”.

184Page 290. In the entry on Hugh II change “in an undated ch. of bp. Gerard” to “in a ch. with bp. Gerard dated c.1154” and add “where he is specifically identified as a secular canon”.

Page 290. In the entry on Hugh de Avenis, for “Avenis” read “Arenis”. Thus, Hugh of Eraines.

Page 290. In the entry on Hugh Brunel, for “Hugh de Avenis” read “Hugh of Eraines”.

185Page 291. Add the following entry after Mag. John of Ouilly: John, son of William Belmes (?Beaumais, Calvados, cant. Morteaux-Coulibœuf). Said to have become can. in 1131 (Clercs au service de la Réforme, Annexe 2, no. 1, p. 318).

186Page 292. In the entry for Osbert de Can-, for “de Can-” read “of Canon.” Add that he was also a cleric (q.v.).

187Page 293. In the last line of the entry for Peter of St.-Loyer, for “bp. Froger” read “bp. Lisiard”.

Page 293. In the entry on Peter de Villa Cadeni, change “Villa Cadeni” to “Villa Badeni”, thus Peter of Villebadin. Footnote 44 should now read, “Villebadin, Orne, cant. Exmes.”

188Page 294. Replace of the current entry on Ralph of Ménilglaise with: “? Ralph de Mesnilgerberto. Cleric of bp. Froger in 1174 (q.v.). Occs. once as possible can. in a ch. of bp. Froger (Barret, Marmoutier, no. 176), and perhaps also in a second ch. (ADE, H 639).”

Page 294. Delete the entry Mag. Ranulf [Ralph?] of Falaise. Ranulf was not a can. of the cathedral, but of the Premonstratensian abbey of Saint-Jean de Falaise (he witnesses in all instances as ‘Master Ranulf canon of Falaise’: ADC, H 6551 b, j; ibid. H 6510, fo. 39v-40r, no. 156).

Page 294. In the entry on Robert de Beecham, for “de Beecham” read “Beckford.” Accordingly, change footnote 50 to read “Gloucestershire”. To the end of the entry add: “He is prob. to be identified with Robert of Beckford (Becquefort), later prior of Saint-Lô of Bourg-Achard (BN, ms. lat. 9212, fo. 4, no. 31).”

189Page 295. Delete the entry for Robert of Sedgeford. This is the same person as Robert of Beckford, above.

190Page 297. In the entry on William of La Cambe change “in a ch. of bp. Gerard” to “in a ch. with bp. Gerard” and “in 1144 × 57” to “c.1154” and add “in which he is specifically identified as a regular canon”.

191Page 298. To the end of the entry on William Nepote, add: “Still active as possible can. in 1207 (Léchaudé d’Anisy, Extrait, I, p. 253, no. 8).”

Page 298. In the entry on William of Pont-Audemer delete the “?” and replace the entry with: “Appears in a ch. with bp. Gerard II dated c.1154 in which he is specifically identified as a secular canon (Clercs au Service de la Réforme p. 329). Also appears without title in a ch. of the same bp. dated 1155 × 57 (BN, ms. lat. 54412, p. 96). He was also a chapl. (q.v.).”

Page 298. Delete the entry on? Mag. William of Toulouse. Given that William appears among the witnesses of a ch. in favor of the abbey of Villers-Canivet, a daughter of the abbey of Savigny, he is most probably to be identified with William of Toulouse, later monk and abbot of Savigny, who in 1179 became abbot of Cîteaux.

Appendix A. Clergy Added.


192? Hervey, bp. of unnamed see (p. 2)
Aillemundus, bp. of unnamed see (p. 2)


193Robert, archdcn. (p. 11)
Mag. Roger of Ingleville, archdcn. (p. 11)
John, chancellor (p. 13)
John, scholasticus (p. 14)
Mag. Gregory, medicus (p. 15)
Robert Berhaut, scriptor (p. 15)
? W., chaplain (p. 17)
? Geoffrey de Bidon, cleric (p. 17)
? Robert de Sancto Albino, cleric (p. 17)
? Ralph Guespiario, cleric (p. 17)
Ansger Pilet, can. (p. 18)
? Mag. Ralph de Maisnilscalon, can. (p. 23)
Robert de Garolis, can. (p. 24)
? Rualenus of Mouazé, can. (p. 25)
? Mag. W. de Haya, can. (p. 26)
? Mag. William Hardelli, can. (p. 27)


194? Richard, bp. (p. 31)
Hamelin, dean (p. 34)
? Fulbert, archdcn. (p. 38)
Humphrey, archdcn. (p. 40)
Robert the Chaplain, can. (p. 77)
Stephen d’Alberède, can. (p. 81)
Thomas de St.-Martin, can. (p. 82)


195Philip of Tournebu, archdcn. (p. 100)


196Herbert, archdcn. (p. 141)
Matthew, archdcn. (p. 143)
W[illiam] son of William son of Ralph, can. (p. 165)


197? Hugh, dean (p. 172)
Adam son of Thomas, can. (p. 184)


198Asecline, dean (p. 200)
William, archdcn. (p. 210)
John, chanter (p. 220)
Helbert, chancellor (p. 224)
Evald, chancellor (p. 224)
Mag. Eustace, official (p. 226)
Benedict I, can. (p. 237)
Bernard, can. (p. 237)
Fulbert, can. (p. 240)
Hunfrid, can. (p. 246)
? Odo, can. (p. 250)
Ralph de Monte Desiderii, can. (p. 253)
Mag. Robert of Essai, can. (p. 259)
Robert Pullo, can. (p. 259)
Seric, can. (p. 262)
Son of the Count of the Perche (p. 262)
Waldelin, can. (p. 263)
Walter, can. (p. 264)


199Henry, archdcn. (p. 279)
William II, archdcn. (p. 280)
Hugh IV, archdcn. (p. 280)
John, archdcn. (p. 281)
William IV, archdcn. (p. 281)
? Roger, chancellor (p. 282)
Thomas de Saint-Paul, notary (p. 283)
Adam, chaplain (p. 283)
Mag. Jordan, chaplain (p. 284)
Peter, chaplain (p. 284)
William of Pont-Audemer, chaplain (p. 284)
Aimarius, cleric (p. 284)
John, cleric (p. 285)
Odo of Orgères, cleric (p. 285)
Robert of Jort, cleric (p. 286)
Garin Monk (monachus), can. (p. 287)
John, son of William Belmes, can. (p. 291)

Appendix B. Clergy Deleted.


200? Mag. John, can. (p. 21)


201John III, archdcn. (p. 280)
Froger, archdcn. (p. 280)
Anfred, chamberlain (p. 284)
Andreas, can. (p. 286)
Engelrand [Oysum?], can. (p. 287)
Mag. Ranulf [Ralph?] of Falaise, can. (p. 294)
? Robert of Sedgeford, can. (p. 295)
? Mag. William of Toulouse, can. (p. 298)

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1 Corpus des actes épiscopaux normands (XIe-XIIIe siècle), dir. G. Combalbert, V. Gazeau and others, édition papier et numérique, (Presses universitaires de Caen, forthcoming).

2 I thank Richard Allen for this ref.

3 Manche, cant. Saint-Pierre-Église, c. Tocqueville.

4 I thank R. Allen for this information.

5 Ille-et-Vilaine, cant. St.-Aubin-d’Aubigné.

6 I thank R. Allen for this information.

7 I thank G. Combalbert for reminding me of this ref.

8 Eure, cant. Brionne.

9 I thank Tamiko Fujimoto for calling my attention to and for providing information on these docs.

10 ADC H 7745 is a late-medieval cart. for the abbey of St.-Martin of Troarn, known as the Chartrier Blanc. Ch. no. 13, on fos. 3v-6r, is a 1414 settlement between Bayeux and Troarn in which is embedded a ch. from Feb. 1169, which is in fact the Troarn counterpart to Bayeux’s version as found in Cart. Bayeux, no. CXXXV. The witness lists are identical except that the Cart. Bayeux omits five names, the only one of which has any chronological ramification is that of Wace. I thank V. Fallan for calling this doc. to my attention, and to F. Le Saux for sharing a photocopy of it with me.

11 I thank R. Allen for calling this doc. to my attention.

12 I thank R. Allen for this ref.

13 I thank R. Allen for this ref.

14 Manche, cant. Tessy-sur-Vire.

15 I thank C. Mauduit for this correction.

16 Manche, cant. Périers. I thank R. Allen for this identification.

17 Lat.: de Stalleignio. Manche, cant. Carentan, c. Sainteny. I thank R. Allen for this identification.

18 See the 2009 University of Caen Master’s thesis of Christophe Mauduit, ‘Étude d’une famille de l’aristocratie normande: les Reviers-Vernon (XIe-XIIIe siècle)’.

19 I thank G. Combalbert for this ref.

20 I thank G. Combalbert for this ref.

21 I thank G. Combalbert for the corrected reading.

22 I thank G. Combalbert for this ref.

23 I thank G. Combalbert for this ref.

24 I thank Grégory Combalbert for this ref.

25 I thank Richard Allen for this ref.

26 I thank R. Allen for calling my attention to this doc., and for providing a copy of it.

27 I thank G. Combalbert for these refs.

28 I thank Richard Allen for this ref., and indeed for most of the recent information on the Sées clergy.

29 I thank Christopher Brooke for calling these refs. to my attention. Brooke hypothesizes that Walter Durdent prior at Christ Church, Canterbury, and then bp. of Coventry was the link through which Froger became archdcn. of Derby, and that Abp. Theobald may have introduced Froger to Henry II to whom he owed his later positions as king’s almoner and, indeed, as bp. of Sées.

30 See now the important study by R. Allen, “Mémoire et diplomatique: l’édition des actes des évêques de Sées (911-1220)”, Bulletin de la Société historique et archéologique de l’Orne, forthcoming.

31 Eure, chef-lieu de cant.

32 Orne, cant. Nocé.

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Electronic reference

David S. Spear, “Additions and Corrections to David S. Spear, The Personnel of the Norman Cathedrals during the Ducal Period, 911-1204 (London: Institute of Historical Research, 2006)”Tabularia [Online], Episcopal and abbey actions in Normandy and in the great west of Europe, Online since 14 November 2014, connection on 19 April 2024. URL:; DOI:

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About the author

David S. Spear

Department of History
Furman University (USA)

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